994 Subject Index
heavy-tailed distribution, 113
Herbrand interpretation, 28
Herbrand’s theorem, 29
heterogeneous distance system, 568
value ordering, 186
variable ordering, 186
hierarchical event, 683
hierarchical model, 421
high-level programming, 877
high-level robotic control, 869
high-level specifications, 489
High-Performance Knowledge Bases, 62
higher-order concepts, 63
higher-order logic, 60, 218, 235
Hintikka set, 160
history, 614
hitting set, 412
HOL prover, 22, 56
Holds, 728
homogeneous distance system, 568
Horn clauses, 36, 65, 66, 189
Horn form, 66
HPKB, 62, 65
HTTP, 827
human intervention, 58
humanoid robot, 701
hybrid model, 431
hybrid temporal logic, see temporal logic, hy-
hyper-resolution strategy, 35
Hypertext Transfer Protocol, 827
Hypothesis-Text, 806
hypothetical action, 671
, 371
, 371
ideal reasoner, 318
idealization, 599
ideally rational agent, 254
IMPACT system, 905
implementability, 902
implication graph, 97
implied action preconditions, 768
incision function, 332
incomplete search strategy, 66
indefinite location, 572
Independence postulate, 346
indexical, 234
indirect effects, 694, 699, 711, 735, 799
chains, 711, 737
indirect influences, 375
induction, 70
Induction Rule for common knowledge, 631
inductionless induction, 57
inductive epistemic entrenchment, 337
inductive logic programming, 70
industrial application, 458
inertia, 69, 799
inertia assumption, 715, 719
using a nochange axiom, 721
inference, 195
inference engine, 798
inference relation, 267
inference rule, 6, 14
infinite domains, 573
infinite loop, 672, 699
influence, 435, 601
information attitudes, 889
Information extraction based approach, 782
information extraction systems, 810
inheritance networks, 276
initial state
in TAL, 723
in TALplanner, 751
input clause, 33
input resolution, 36
instance, 29, 140
with respect to KB, 142
instance-based methods, 29
integer time, 674, 679, 681, 683, 692, 698
integrity constraints, 349
Intel, 60
intelligent tutoring systems, 386
intention filter, 894
intention logic, 891, 893
intention side effects, 894
intentional system, 888
intentions, 803, 896
interaction laws, 745
inter-modal consistency, 899
Interoperable Knowledge Language (IKL), 223,
231–233, 235
interpretation, 4, 9, 140
intersection, 899
interval algebra, 191, 200, see temporal struc-
tures, intervals
interval arithmetic, 368
interval calculus, 551
interval temporal logics, see temporal logic, in-
intervention, 497
intrusive testing, 444
intuitionistic encoding, 574
inverse method of theorem proving, 19
invocation condition, 897
IRMA system, 897
irrelevance of syntax postulate, 320
Isabelle, 22, 60
ISP, 60
iterated revision, 340