where L is the inductance of the commutation current loop. The resistor power should be
approximately calculated as follows: P = 450CU
where U is the phase voltage.
Fig. 5.1 Fig. 5.2
Thyristor snubbers. If the current in a thyristor rises at too high rate, the device can be de-
stroyed. Some inductance must be present or inserted in series with the thyristor so that
dI/dt is below a safe limit specified by the manufacturer (Fig. 5.2, a). A thyristor may turn on
(without any gate pulse) if the forward voltage is applied too quickly. This is known as dU/dt
turn on and it may lead to improper operation of the circuit. A simple RC snubber, as shown
in Fig. 5.2, a, is normally used to limit dU/dt of applied forward voltage.
Simple polarized snubber circuit shown in Fig. 5.2, b, reduces turn-off voltage peaks. The
resistor in the snubbing circuit is required for limiting the discharge current of the capacitor at
turn on. Frequently, the resistor has a diode in parallel in order to make the capacitor more
effective at limiting voltage rate in forward direction (Fig. 5.2, c).
In thyristor switches, the forced commutation chains are used. For switching off a thyristor,
the current should be reduced below the holding value by the specific closing circuitry be-
tween the anode and cathode. This circuit contains a simple energy source – capacitor,
which directs current against the thyristor current. When the current through the thyristor is
required to be switched off at a desired instant, it is momentary reverse biased by making
the cathode positive with respect to anode. For this forced commutation, a commutation cir-
cuit as shown in Fig. 5.3, a is used. Many forms of commutation circuits have been devel-
oped to force-commutate thyristors. In most of them a preliminary charged capacitor is mo-
mentarily connected across the conducting thyristor to reverse bias it. If the diode is reverse
biased, its current falls, becomes zero, then reverses and becomes zero again.
As an additional energy source, a commutation thyristor may be used. Fig. 5.3, b shows an
example of the commutation circuit. When the auxiliary thyristor D
is conducting, the ca-
pacitor C charges up to the output voltage. After the capacitor has been charged, the thyris-
tor D
turns off. Ones the main thyristor D
is switched on, the capacitor C discharges
through the commutation circuit of the diode D
and the coil L. Because of the coil induc-
tance, the inverse current flows until the capacitor voltage equals to output voltage. The
voltage of D
becomes negative and D
turns off. The capacitor charges through the load
and D
again and the process repeats.
a. b. c.