Control methods. Another classification refers to a method of control. There are a block
control (other names are square-wave control and six-step control) principle and a pulse
control principle. According to the first principle, ones opening and closing a semiconductor
switch forms the positive or negative half period of the ac signal. Thus, the rectangular volt-
age blocks are formed at the output of the inverter. The advantages of the square-wave in-
verter are high efficiency (near 98%), potentially good reliability, and high-speed capability.
In such circuit, harmonic voltage amplitude is inversely proportional to the harmonic order
and hence there are no pronounced high-order harmonics. These are filtered out by the load
inductances. High-frequency operations are possible by increasing the output frequency.
Faster switching devices such as MOS transistors and IGBT can be used to achieve this
However, it suffers from low-voltage pulsations and possible instability. The sinusoidal out-
put voltage cannot be achieved using the block control principle. The output voltage diagram
of the block control inverter is a piecewise curve, which significantly differs from the sinusoi-
dal curve.
The block control inverters are usually used in low-power industrial applications where the
voltage range is limited to ten to one and dynamic performance is not important. Neverthe-
less, they are enough prospective systems thanks to the new vector methods development.
If the pulse control is used, the controlled ac signal is formed by one of the pulse modulation
method. A large number of modulation techniques exists each having different performance
notably in respect to the stability and audible noise of the driven load.
PWM technique. The pulse width modulation, or PWM method is now gradually taking over
the inverter market in control applications. This technique is characterized by the generation
the constant amplitude pulses in which the pulse duration is modulated to obtain necessary
specific waveform.
The principle of PWM is illustrated in Fig. 2.2. The sinusoidal modulating signal U
the required output waveform. The high-frequency triangle carrier signal U
is synchronized
by the ac supply voltage. Usually, the carrier frequency is much greater than the modulating
frequency. The natural intersections of U
and U
determine both the offset and duration of
the modulated pulses. In PWM waveform of pulse pattern is dependent on the ratio of the
peak U
to the peak U
. The frequency ratio f
/ f
is called the carrier ratio and amplitude
ratio U
/ U
is called the modulation index. The carrier ratio determines the number of
pulses in each half-cycle of the inverter output voltage and the modulation index determines
the width of the pulses and hence the rms value of the inverter output voltage. The ideal
maximum modulation index is equal to unity. Various PWM schemes allow U
/ U
< 1 that
represents an important performance criterion as the inverter maximum power depends on
the maximum voltage at load terminals.