7.3 Hemoglobin Structures Demonstrate the Consilient Mechanism
of communication not only between the hemes
of the particular crevasse but also provide com-
munication between the a^p^-heme pair and the
a^p^-heme pair.
Returning to the interheme crevasse, the
unique grouping of hydrophobic residues
associated with the a^p^-heme pair and with
the equivalent a^p^-heme pair constitutes two
remarkably hydrophobic domains for exposure
at an aqueous surface. It is true, however, that
much of the hydrophobicity Ues in the depths
of the water-filled crevasse. These are circum-
stances under which the consilient mechanism
dictates an acute competition for hydration
between the hydrophobic residues of each
crevasse and its associated surface charged
groups. Such a competition gives rise to a repul-
sion between hydrophobic and charged groups
as each requires water unperturbed by the
other to lower their free energy. Based on the
studies reviewed in Chapter 5, this, of course, is
what we have called an apolar-polar repulsive
free energy of hydration and have indicated by
AGap. As the hydrophobic groups are held as
a more rigid part of the protein structure, it
would seem to be left to the charged side chains
at the ends of their aUphatic chains with their
greater range of motion to reflect the repulsion. The Disposition of Charged Side
Chains Associated with the Crevasse
Connecting the P^- and a^-Heme Groups
for deoxyHb
There are basically two ways in which charged
side chains of amino acid residues can lower
their free energy when confronted with a
hydrophobic domain. One way is to form ion
The second way, when possible, is to move
toward locations more remote from the most
hydrophobic surface. Both examples are shown
in the crevasse that connects the
and a^ heme
groups as well as in the equivalent crevasse con-
necting the a^p^-heme groups.
As shown in Figure 7.17A, there are seven
charged residues in the immediate vicinity of
the P^a^ crevasse. Starting at six o'clock and
reading clockwise, they are
K90, R92, R40,
K66, and K95. Interestingly, this means six
positively charged and one negatively charged
side chains. However, the two heme groups add
four more negatively charged groups associated
with each crevasse. Those residues in position
for ion pairing are K61, R92, E43, and K66.
Despite literally being bathed in water, ion
pairs form. The positively charged side chains
of K90, R40, and K95 are expected to have
moved to their positions of lowest accessible
free energy, that is, to minimize repulsion
coming from the apolar crevasse. Thus these
charges are expected to be pointing in the
direction of lower hydrophobicity. This finding
indicates that the region of the a-heme is
less hydrophobic than that of the p-heme.
This observation is consistent with a number of
reports that the T state exhibits a fivefold
greater binding at the a-heme than at the
P-heme.^^^2 The Effect of Oxygen Binding on the
Disposition of Charged Side Chains Proximal
to the Crevasse Connecting the p^- and
a^-Heme Groups
As shown in Figure 7.17B, oxygen binding
effects a remarkable change in the disposition
of the seven charged side chains. The four side
chains positioned for ion paring separate from
their ion paired positions, and the charges of
the three positively charged, non-ion-paired
residues, K90, R40, and K95, reorient their
charges. Yet the forces that effect these changes
cannot have come through the protein struc-
In our view, the driving force for these
oxygenation-effected side chain reorientations
came through the "waters of Thales" of the
hydrophobic crevasse. We beUeve this demon-
strates that oxygen binding, even though it
occurs on the other side of the hemes, decreases
the hydrophobicity of the hydrophobic crevasse
sufficiently to allow improved hydration of
these charged species. Thus, we arrive at a spe-
cific set of structural changes on oxygenation
consistent with the consilient mechanism.
7.3.4 Consideration of
Communication Between the a^p^-
and a^p^-Heme Pairs
The consilient mechanism provides a means of
communication between the pair of hemes of