are for treble chorus. Notable examples include Ave, Verum Corpus
(1972, arr. female chorus, pf., and org., 1992, male chorus, 1998,
chorus, and str., 2000); Magnificat no. 1, for Mez., chorus, and pf.
(1983, arr. with orch., 1990); Magnificat no. 2, for Mez. and chorus
(1985); I Will Sing unto the Lord (Psalm 104), for treble chorus,
mixed chorus, and pf. (1988, arr. with orch., 1998, arr. with str.,
2000); Missa brevis, for S, female chorus, and pf./orch. (1989, arr.
S, chorus, and orch., 1998), and Veni, Creator Spiritus, for chorus, 2
tpt., 2 trbn., b. trbn., timp., and org. (1993).
composer. Educated in both musicology (University of Delaware)
and composition (Sibelius Academy), he is a prolific composer who
has written in a wide variety of genres, demonstrating considerable
versatility in combining traditional, and modern international styles.
His music is often accessible, and frequently mystical in effect. He
himself authored or compiled most of his choral texts.
Examples of his many choral compositions include Missa duo-
decanonica (1963); Nattvarden [Communion] (1963); True and
False Unicorn, for 3 spkrs., chbr. chorus, ens., and tape (1971); Vi-
gilia, ehtoopalvelus [Vigil, Night Watch] (Orthodox liturgy), for solo
vv. and chorus (1971, concert version 1996);Vigilia, aamupalvelus
[Vigil, Morning Watch] (Orthodox liturgy), for solo vv. and mixed
chorus (1972, concert version 1996); Magnificat, for solo vv. and
mixed chorus (1979); Marjatan jouluvirsi (1995; taken from his
1975 stage work Marjatta matala neiti, which is based on the Finn-
ish national epic, the Kalevala); and Elämän kirja [A Book of Life],
11 songs (with texts in five languages) for solo vv. and male chorus
French composer. He studied with Gabriel Fauré at the Paris Conser-
vatoire, where his fifth unsuccessful attempt to win the Prix de Rome
for composition caused a scandal that forced the resignation of the
director, Théodore Dubois, who was then replaced by Fauré. Ravel’s
nonconformist style is characterized by refinement, economy, preci-
sion, clarity, and objectivity. In his early career he had a close friend-
ship with Igor Stravinsky, which cooled later on, however. He shared
an Impressionistic musical language with Claude Debussy (extended
chords are integral and modal melodies are common), but steadfastly