Chapter 9
Elements of applied functional analysis for
problem of estimation of the parameters
of geophysical objects
A numerical solution of the estimation problem and, generally, the methods of the
computational mathematics are based on the applied functional analysis. An opera-
tional language is very helpful for a compact representation of the algorithms of the
inverse problem solution, to estimate of the accuracy of the inverse problem solution
with taking into account the most general properties of the considered operators,
to trace the modifications of some elements of the algorithm in the dependence of
the concrete functional binding of the considered inverse problem. A solution of
the first-kind operator equation, having the compact operator is an independent
mathematical problem: the problem of the regularization of the ill-posed tasks.
The solution of any intepretating problem, connected with the processing of the
experimental data, should contain the random component (“noise”) as a part of the
input data of the inverse problem. We should note that in this case the classical
methods of the functional analysis are inadmissible, because in general case the data
and noise do not belong to the image of the operator. This fact alone leads to using
the methods of the mathematical statistics for the construction of the algorithms
and the interpretation of the solution of the inverse problems.
The existing literature on these problems: the applied functional analysis, the
solution of the ill-posed problems and the methods of mathematical statistics are
very extensive and a presentation style usually is far from the “physical style”, when
the proof if ever produces, but without details. It is unconditionally, at such enun-
ciating the mathematical rigor is lost, but it allows to exchange the mathematical
erudition by the physical intuition, which facilitates the physical interpretation of
the solution.
9.1 Elements of Applied Functional Analysis
Let us consider the basic elements of the functional analysis.
As we set the problem of the approximate solution, for example, finding of the
function ϕ, with the definite accuracy grade satisfies the equation Lϕϕ = s, it is
appeared the problem of the definition of the measure of the accuracy, i.e. we