LARGE DAMS: Learning from the Past, Looking at the Future
30 Engineering and Economic Aspects of Planning, Design, Construction and Operation
into a container by means of electric inducers and
transported to the river reach upstream of the man-
made lake.
Irrigation components. Large dams are often
associated with major irrigation schemes, and lessons
learned in irrigation affect the planning and design of
large dams. Old irrigation systems often involved
“recession”; i.e., the lands would be planted as the
river receded after a flood and the irrigated lands
would be subject to considerable variation in water
levels during the year.
More or less constant river levels with barrages
and/or pumping lead to more continuous irrigation.
The water table rises, leading to waterlogging, and
when the water table is within reach of the surface,
capillary action brings salt dissolved from the soil
matrix to the surface. River water itself has a small
salt content, and this concentrates in the plant root
zone, leading eventually to water rising to the sur-
face, evaporating and leaving behind the salt, which
is toxic to plants. Dam projects can also raise the
groundwater table in their vicinity generally, some-
times with similar result of water logging and salinity
Modern irrigation design incorporates surface
and/or subsurface drainage to keep the groundwater
table at a safe distance from the surface and to carry
away the saline drainage water.
Older irrigation systems tended to be inefficient,
especially when featuring unlined canals and surface
flooding. The general trend, especially in water-poor
areas, is toward more efficient systems, including
sprinklers and drip-irrigation. Modern lining tech-
niques for canals help to reduce the conveyance loss-
es involved in bringing water from the dam to the
irrigation areas. The increased efficiencies reduce
the stored reservoir volume requirement and the
amount of water lost to percolation rather than evapo-
transpiration from within the plant root zone.
Geographical information systems (GIS), integra-
tion of satellite imaginary and terrestrial survey data,
and highly automated design, cost estimation and bid
document preparation have now reduced the engi-
neering cost of large-scale irrigation systems.
Extensive use of modern construction machinery
leads to efficient canal excavation and, using the
same machine, immediate concrete lining with slip-
forms. Laser-controlled earthmoving equipment facili-
tates the preparation of flat irrigation areas. This high
degree of automation and mechanization cuts devel-
opment costs and reduces time and cost overruns.
HV transmission. High voltage direct current
(HVDC) transmission is becoming cheaper and per-
mits efficient long-distance transmission of large
amounts of power, even if the electrical systems send-
ing and receiving power are not synchronized. This
may permit the construction of large, remote
hydropower stations that serve distant load centers
and may encourage regional and cross border trans-
fers of electricity.
Design tools. Enhanced finite-element analysis in,
for example, rock mechanics, more detailed mathe-
matical models for hydraulic and water quality simu-
lations, and sophisticated, yet user-friendly computer-
aided design software are now commonplace and
allow the designer to work more quickly and yet
more accurately. This is not to say that computer
models replace experienced engineers, but rather
that experienced engineers are able to work more
efficiently and thoroughly.
Just like the models for economic and financial
analysis, software used during the design phase is
becoming more and more “probabilistic,” replacing
“deterministic” models. An example is the calculation
of the risk of dam-overtopping, a potentially cata-
strophic event that could trigger the destruction of
the dam. Here various events, each with their own
probability, may be superimposed on each other: the
initial degree of fullness of the reservoir and the ini-
tial “wetness” of the catchment, the occurrence of a
major storm and the path it follows in passing over
the catchment, the direction and force of the wind
causing wave action and the likelihood that one or
more gates of the spillway will not function. Similarly,
other factors affecting dam safety can be analyzed in
a probabilistic manner, including the effects of earth-
quakes, internal erosion due to piping and/or founda-
tion problems. None of these problems in isolation
may be reason for a dam failure, but in combination
they could be.
The choice of an “acceptable” level of risk needs
some thought. First, people are less prepared to
accept “involuntary” risk than “voluntary” risk. A per-
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