LARGE DAMS: Learning from the Past, Looking at the Future
Environmental Sustainability in the Hydro Industry: Disaggregating the Debates 91
fish species, either accidently or purposely, often seri-
ously damages local fish faunas. The main measure is
to conserve a representative fraction of the national
river system in a free-flowing state. For this a national
aquatic biodiversity survey is needed. This is a rela-
tively low-cost means of improving hydros.
Given that most dam construction is planned to
take place in tropical countries, the fish fauna may be
orders of magnitude greater than that encountered in
temperate dams. Because dams are often now built
in remote anthropogenically undamaged areas, the
fish fauna may be extraordinarily rich, often intact
and undocumented. Dams in wet lowlands with high
rainfall may support rich faunas, but low endemicity.
Sites in mountains and those fed by snow melt sup-
port species-poor faunas, but high endemicity. The
other difficulty is that many tropical fish migrate sea-
sonally as an essential part of their life cycle. If such
migrations are stopped, such as by a dam, the fish
species suffers or is extinguished. Because the bio-
logical character of most tropical rivers is not well-
known, fish taxonomy surveys ought to be conducted
to identify new or rare species. In addition, more
studies are necessary to see if the new or rare
species also live in adjacent rivers not slated for
damming. Laos’s Nam Theun dam is the only project
I am aware of where this is happening. At present,
the sustainability principle, which states that a repre-
sentative sample of the nation’s rivers be conserved
in their free-flowing pristine state, is not being imple-
mented widely and is not of major concern to private
developers. Moreover, mitigation measures for fish
biodiversity often do not effectively compensate for
the impacts.
Sedimentation: As a relatively straightforward
impact and one that can directly reduce profits by
curtailing live storage, it is surprising that sedimenta-
tion persists as a big problem. Sedimentation takes
planners by surprise for two reasons. First is that sed-
imentation increases exponentially, not arithmetically.
When a catchment is developed by agriculture or
roads, for example, sediment yield explodes geomet-
rically. Second, most sedimentation is very sporadic.
A river may carry little sediment for years, only to
deposit enormous volumes in one night of a storm.
Nepal’s Kulekhani hydro project, now 92 MW, was
estimated to have a useful life of 85 years when it was
commissioned in 1981. Nearly half its 12 million cubic
meters of dead storage capacity was filled with sedi-
ment by 1993, and the exceptional floods of late 1993
filled another 5 million cubic meters. Generation has
to cease for a few months until mid-1997 until the esti-
mated $40 million remedy can be completed (a new
outlet from the dam at a higher lever above the mud,
combined with many check dams upstream). The
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers calculated the useful
life of El Salvador’s 135 MW Cerron Grande reservoir
(Goodland, 1974) would be 30 years, rather than the
originally estimated 350 years (McCully, 1996).
Biodiversity: Sustainability demands at least no
net loss of species. Detection of no net loss means
one has to know what is there to begin with — in
other words, careful biotic surveys to determine all
taxa needs to be conducted. This has never been
done for any hydro project, as far as I am aware.
Thus, the conservation of biodiversity is not fully inte-
grated into the planning of hydro projects. The main
de facto measure of conservation has become site
selection and the resulting reservoir size. What
amounts to on-site biodiversity conservation in hydro
projects, then, is whatever adjacent areas happen to
not be flooded by the project. In practice, the conser-
vation of on-site biodiversity is dependent upon not
flooding large areas, particularly intact habitat, such
as tropical forest. The next main mitigatory measure
is the conservation in perpetuity of an offset. For
example, Lao’s 450-square-kilometer Nam Theun
Two reservoir proposes to conserve the 3,710-square-
kilometer watershed. This has the added benefit of
vastly reducing sedimentation risks and should be
standard for all hydro projects. The basic principle on
which an agreement is sought concerns the financing
of the mitigation or offset. A small fraction (say, 1 per-
cent each for environmental and social measures) of
the hydro’s income should be allocated in perpetuity
to watershed management, conservation of biodiver-
sity and prolonging dry seasonal flows.
Water Quality: Until very recently, little attention
was paid to removing biomass from the area flooded
(Ploskey, 1985). However, if even a small proportion
of trees are profitable species, it may be worthwhile
to remove them. Much biomass is unprofitable, such
as brush and other non-marketable organic matter. In
the case of 7,600 MW Tucurui dam, which created a
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