208 13 Project Risk Management
Risk or project analysis is continuously evolving and requires continuous
improvement in project risk management. So to keep the process and the analysis
structure active, one strategy is to hold regular project review sessions on the analy-
sis and management of project risks. The lessons learned aim to improve the com-
pany production cycles and project management methods and cross-referencing of
management experiences for the project.
Typical project review sessions are as follows: Project staff meetings are held regularly
every 1 or 2 months during the life of the project; it is attended by General Management
(DG), the project manager (PM) with some people of the project group (GdP) and
the managers of all company structures. In this session, the PM explains the executive
status of the project and the risks, and requests any exceptional interventions.
This is the moment of truth avoiding among the liars around the table, where any
unclear situations (lies) emerge, on the status of the production cycles and management
strategies in order to define realignment actions.
The information exchanged and the decisions made are recorded in minutes of
meeting, which are distributed to all the concerned sectors and which will eventually
make up the daily project log, which can be consulted at the end for a final review.
Project risk checkpoints are specific project review sessions requested by the
project manager when he/she feels that the status of the project requires a cold-eye
analysis by a group of experts outside the Project Group made up of other PMs and
company managers.
The post-project review meeting is held at the end of the project where the PM
reassumes the risk areas found during project development, expresses his/her opinion
on the final results and uses them as lessons learned, in terms of both positive exam-
ples to be copied and negative examples to be avoided. The post-project review is
organised according to an agenda that allows you to feed a company database with
the risks managed during projects.
In this database we also have to consider the levels at which these subjects have
been handled, with high and medium risks generally discussed in detail, while for
the minor risks, a periodically updated watch list would be sufficient.
Often, in the execution of particularly complex projects, there are risks triggered
by production processes that are no longer suitable and by improper management of
customer relations. When these issues become generalised or occur repeatedly, a spe-
cific session is held before the project is completed. Only management times are ana-
lysed in these sessions for the purpose of identifying general solutions that could
entail modifications to the production processes and company organisations.
The decisions that are made become operative for all new projects.
These extraordinary meetings identify general solutions for risks that tend to
become repetitive, improve company processes through lessons learned and support
the exchange of experience among GdPs.
The database referred to in the analysis becomes a register of the risks that arise
during identification, which are mainly as follows:
– Identified risks, description of risks, concerned project areas, relative causes and
influence on project goals