compensation is $90,610 in salary and that seventy-nine percent of
product managers get an annual bonus that averages $10,961. But
we also learned other information, such as that product managers re-
ceive fifty e-mails a day and spend roughly two days a week in inter-
nal meetings—fifteen meetings per week. But fifty percent are going
to fifteen meetings or more each week, and twenty-seven percent at-
tend twenty or more meetings.”
Johnson sees tremendous benefits in survey-based thought lead-
ership. “First of all, the data is really useful,” he says. “Now I com-
mand the authority to say something like ‘Ninety percent of Product
Managers have completed college and forty-six percent have com-
pleted a masters program.’ But more importantly, the buyers we are
trying to reach to sell training services to, product managers, recog-
nize us as the thought leader because we have up-to-date informa-
tion on what’s really going on with technology product managers.
And the data that sits on our Web site is fantastic for search engine
marketing because anyone looking for information about product
managers in technology businesses will find us.”
This is a new world for marketers and corporate communicators.
The Web offers an easy way for your ideas to spread to a potential au-
dience of millions of people, instantly. Web content in the form of true
thought leadership holds the potential to influence many thousands of
your buyers in ways that traditional marketing and PR simply cannot.
To embrace the power of the Web and the blogosphere requires a
different kind of thinking on the part of marketers. We need to learn
to give up our command-and-control mentality. It isn’t about “the
message.” It’s about being insightful. The New Rules of Marketing
and PR tell us to stop advertising and instead get our ideas out there
by understanding buyers and telling them the stories that connect
with their problems. The new rules are to participate in the discus-
sions going on, not just try to shout your message over everyone
else. Done well, Web content that delivers authentic thought leader-
ship also brands an organization as one to do business with.
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