agement teams go along with this dysfunction. Think about the
goals that most marketers have. They usually take the form of an
epic to-do list: “Let’s see; we should do a few trade shows, buy yel-
low-pages ads, maybe create a new logo, get press clips, produce
some T-shirts, increase Web site traffic, and, oh yeah, generate some
leads for the salespeople.” Well, guess what? Those aren’t the goals
of your company! I’ve never seen “leads” or “clips” or “T-shirts” on a
mission statement or balance sheet. With typical marketing depart-
ment goals, we constantly focus on the flare-up du jour and thus al-
ways focus on the wrong thing. This also gives the marketing
profession a bad rap in many companies as a bunch of flaky slackers.
No wonder marketing is called the “branding police” in some organ-
izations and is often the place where failed salespeople end up.
Many marketers and PR people also focus on the wrong measures of
success. With Web sites, people will often tell me things like, “We want
to have ten thousand unique visitors per month to our site.” And PR
measurement is often similarly irrelevant: “We want ten mentions in
the trade press and three national magazine hits each month.” Unless
your site makes money through advertising so that raw traffic adds rev-
enue, traffic is the wrong measure. And simple press clips just don’t
matter. What matters is leading your site’s visitors and your constituent
audiences to where they help you reach your real goals, such as build-
ing revenue, soliciting donations, gaining new members, and the like.
This lack of clear goals and real measurement reminds me of
seven-year-olds playing soccer. If you’ve ever seen little children on
the soccer field, you know that they operate as one huge organism
packed together, chasing the ball around the field. On the sidelines
are helpful coaches yelling, “Pass!” or “Go to the goal!” Yet as the
coaches and parents know, this effort is futile: No matter what the
coach says or how many times the kids practice, they still focus on
the wrong thing—the ball—instead of the goal.
That’s exactly what we marketers and PR people do. We fill our
lists with balls and lose sight of the goal. But do you know what’s
even worse? Our coaches (the management teams at our companies)
actually encourage us to focus on balls (like sales leads or press clips
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