JWBK208-FM-II December 14, 2007 13:59 Char Count= 0
SK seborrhoeic keratosis (= BCP)
SLA(s) ‘service level agreement(s)’ or
‘soluble liver antigens’
SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
SLP soluble liver proteins (CK8&18)
(also called SLA)
SLVL splenic MZL with circulating villous
SMA ‘superior mesenteric artery’ or
‘spinal muscular atrophy’
SMC smooth muscle cell
SmCC small cell carcinoma
SMILE stratified mucinous intraepithelial
SMV superior mesenteric vein
SN sentinel node
SNOMED systematized nomenclature of
SNOP systematized nomenclature of
SOP(s) standard operating procedure(s)
SPA(s) supporting professional activity/ies
SPD subcorneal pustular dermatosis
spp. species
SpR specialist registrar (see also StR)
SPRU special pathogens reference unit of
the HPA
SRUS solitary rectal ulcer syndrome
SSC secondary sclerosing cholangitis
SSPE subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
ST# StR Training post at the appropriate
year/level indicated by the number #
e.g. ST1 for a year 1 StR
STA Specialist Training Authority of the
Medical Royal Colleges
STAH sub-total abdominal hysterectomy
Staph. Staphylococci/us/al
StR specialty registrar (see also SpR)
Strep. Streptococci/us/al
STUMP smooth muscle tumour of uncertain
malignant potential
SUDEP sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
SV40 simian vacuolating virus 40
SVC superior vena cava
SWAG Specialist Workforce Advisory
Sx symptoms
T4 CD4 +ve T-cell
T8 CD8 +ve T-cell
TB tuberculosis (tubercle bacillus)
TCC transitional cell carcinoma(s)
TCL T-cell lymphoma
TCRF trans-cervical resection of fibroid
TDLU terminal-duct lobular unit
Tdt terminal deoxynucleotidyl
TEM tuboendometrioid metaplasia
TEN toxic epidermal necrolysis
Thy1-5 thyroid FNA scoring notation
TI terminal ileum
TJ trans jugular
TLA transmural lymphoid aggregates
TMA thrombotic microangiopathy
TMJ temporomandibular joint
TNM the UICC Tumour, lymph Nodes and
Metastases staging system for
cancers, sometimes followed by a
number indicating which edition e.g.
TNM5 or TNM6
TPN total parenteral nutrition
TOP termination of pregnancy
TORCH toxoplasma, rubella, CMV, HSV
TORi target of rapamycin inhibitor(s)
TPWO tumour of probable Wolffian origin
TRAP tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase
TRIC trachoma and inclusion conjunctivitis
TS tuberose sclerosis
TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
tTG tissue trans-glutaminase
TTP thrombotic thrombocytopaenic
TTTS twin to twin transfusion syndrome
TURBT trans-urethral resection of bladder
TURP trans-urethral resection of prostate
TV tubulovillous
Tx transplant
UC ulcerative colitis
UICC Union Internationale Contre le
UIP usual interstitial pneumonitis
undiff undifferentiated
UoA ‘Unit of Application’ for specialty
training posts in the UK (this is usu.
equivalent to a region or Deanery
but histopathology is a UoA unto
UOQ upper outer quadrant
URT upper respiratory tract
usu. usually
UTI urinary tract infection
UTROSCT uterine tumour resembling ovarian
sex cord tumour (see also ESTSCLE)
UV ultraviolet
VAIN vaginal intra-epithelial neoplasia
vCJD new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob
VdW van der Waals forces
VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor
VG van Gieson
VGP vertical growth phase
VHF viral haemorrhagic fever(s)
VHL von Hippel Lindau syndrome
vide infra ‘see below’
vide supra ‘see above’