in {U, V, W, . . .}, then the set {U, V, W, . . .} is called an open cover
of X. There are usually many different open covers of any topo-
logical space X, and it is usually possible to “refine” every such
cover in the following way: Replace {U, V, W, . . .} by the open
cover {U′, V′, W′, . . .} where U′ is a proper subset of U, V′ is a
proper subset of V, and so forth. The set {U′, V′, W′, . . .} is called
a refinement of {U, V, W, . . .}.
The order of a cover is the largest number of sets to cover a
single point. So, for example, if for a particular cover at least one
point belongs to two sets and no point belongs to three sets, then
the order of the cover is 2. Here is Lebesgue’s definition: If for
every open cover of a topological space X there is a refinement
with order not greater than n+1, and n is the smallest integer for
which this statement is true, then X has C
ech-Lebesgue dimen-
sion n. (The C
ech-Lebesgue dimension of a topological space is
written dim(X).)
Example 7.5. Consider the topological space {x: 0 < x < 1}. Every
open cover of this space that consists of at least two sets has a
refinement of order 2. Here, by way of example, is an open cover
of {x: 0 < x < 1}: Let U = {x: 0 < x <
}, and let V = {x:
< x < 1}.
The point
, for example, belongs to both sets. We can refine
U and V in many different ways, but it is impossible to entirely
eliminate the overlap and still cover the space. This illustrates
the fact that {x: 0 < x < 1} has C
ech-Lebesgue dimension of 1.
Lebesgue actually stated his theorem only for cubes in E
. It was
generalized to a broader class of topological spaces and made more
precise by C
ech many years later.
Mathematics is often presented with an air of finality—as if the
subject appeared in its final state and no alternatives are possible.
But in these three definitions of dimension, one can see some of
the most astute mathematicians of the 20th century struggling to
create a concept that is mathematically rigorous and yet does not
defy “common sense” notions of what the word dimension means.
These mathematicians arrived at three distinct solutions to this
problem, and they are distinct, not just in form but in concept.