to the field of topology. Later, others caught up with him. Today,
category theory is a field in its own right as well as a commonly
used tool in other mathematical disciplines. As with taxonomy, the
theory of categories is not complete, it may not be completable,
but it is a step forward in understanding foundational questions in
Set-theoretic topology evolved rapidly throughout the 20th cen-
tury. The standards of rigor are now very high, and the central
questions, posed during topology’s first period of development,
the period that ended with the onset of World War II, are now
fairly well understood. Questions remain, of course, and research
continues, but the broad outlines of the set-theoretic landscape
seem to be fairly clearly delineated. It took Euclidean geometry
2,000 years to evolve from Euclid’s Elements to the extremely
rigorous axiomatic formulations proposed during the last years of
the 19th century—two millennia to answer the questions that the
Greeks themselves raised about the fifth postulate and the limits
of straight edge and compass geometry. Today, while some ques-
tions about Euclidean geometry remain open, all the “big” initial
questions have been answered. Set-theoretic topology completed
a similar sort of evolution in less than 150 years.
Mathematics has benefited from this effort in three ways. First,
topology has provided a new way of thinking about mathematics.
Whereas mathematics was once expressed in geometric language,
it is now expressed in set-theoretic language. Sets are gener-
ally “equipped” with a topological structure, and, consequently,
many mathematical systems are at their most fundamental level
topological spaces. Topological research has yielded insights into
many of these diverse spaces. Second, topology has answered
a number of important questions about the nature of continu-
ity and the nature of dimension, and it has revealed previously
unsuspected complexity in such simple-sounding mathematical
concepts as curves, continua, and connectedness. Finally, set-
theoretic topology has been completely incorporated in the field