Indeed, advanced semiconductor heterostructures can be expected contribute to
revolutionary advances in medical applications as discussed in this book.
This book highlights current advances and trends in the use of semiconductor
nanocrystals in biological applications as well as key developments in the synthesis
and physical properties of semiconductor nanocrystals used in biological
environments. The potential applications of these semiconductor nanocrystals in
nanobiotechnology have been demonstarted recently by a broad variety of
applications in the study of subcellular processes of fundamental importance in
biology. Examples include the use of colloidal nanocrystals to study neural
processes on the nanoscale through the imaging of the diffusion of glycine receptors
as well as multi-color labeling of subcellular components. As discussed in this book,
semiconductor nanocrystals have narrow, tunable and symmetric emission spectra,
and they have much greater temporal stability and resistance to photobleaching than
fluorescent dyes.
This book also highlights recent findings on how the electrical, optical, and
mechanical properties of nanostructures are altered as a result of being in close
proximity with biological structures and media. For example, this book discusses
how electrolytic environments, that are pervasive in biological systems, must be
considered in understanding the electrical and optical properties of charged and polar
semiconductor quantum dots in electrolytic environments. As a second example, this
book discusses how dielectric environments, that are pervasive in biological systems,
must be considered in understanding the electrical, mechanical, and optical
properties of charged and polar semiconductor quantum dots in dielectric media.
Moreover, this book highlights the nanomechanical properties of biomolecules in
biological environments. Accordingly, this book provides an introduction to a range
of topics dealing with the control and tailoring of the properties of both manmade
and naturally occurring nanostructures in biological environments. This field is in its
infancy but, as indicated by the contraubtions in this book, it is critical to exploiting
fully the dramatic advances of nanotechnology in biological and biomedical
This book also describes a number of other promising – and potentially
revolutionary – tools and applications of nanobiotechnology. These include: the
potential applications of nanoscale carbon nanotubes in bioengineering; the use of
atomic force microscopy to probe the nanophysical properties of living cells; and
bioinspired approaches to building nanostructures. As described in this book,
manmade carbon nanotubes have a number of remarkable electrical, chemical, and
mechanical properties making them intriguing candidates for integration with
biological structures on the nanoscale. Moreover, this book provides an
introduction to potentially revolutionary applications of a key set of biochemical
interactions for the assembly and building of nanostructures.
The guest editors wish to acknowledge professional colleagues, friends and
family members whose contributions and sacrifices made it possible to complete this
work. First of all, the authors are grateful Aaron Johnson of Kluwer Publishing
Company for taking an active interest in making this volume useful to the expected
readership. The guest editors extend sincere thanks go to Dean Larry Kennedy,
College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) for his active
encouragement and for his longstanding efforts to promote excellence in research at
UIC. Special thanks go to Dr. Rajinder Khosla, Dr. James W. Mink and Usha