UNIT 8 Capacitance 81
Figure 8–4
A pure capacitive circuit. (Source: Delmar/Cengage Learning)
The amount of dielectric stress is determined by
the voltage between the plates. The greater the volt-
age, the greater the dielectric stress. If the voltage
becomes too great, the dielectric will break down
and destroy the capacitor. This is the reason capaci-
tors have a voltage rating that must be followed.
The energy of a capacitor is stored in the dielec-
tric and is known as an
electrostatic charge. It
is this electrostatic charge that permits the capacitor
to produce extremely high currents under certain
conditions. If the leads of a charged capacitor are
shorted together, it has the same effect as releasing
the drawn bow in Figure 8–3. The arrow will be
propelled forward at great speed. The same is true
for the electrons of the capacitor. When the elec-
tron orbits of the dielectric snap back, the electrons
stored on the negative capacitor plate are propelled
toward the positive plate at great speed.
Capacitors are rated in units called the farad. The
farad is actually such a large amount of capacitance
it is not practical to use. For this reason a unit called
micro-farad is generally used. A micro-farad
is one millionth of a farad. The Greek lowercase
letter mu is used to symbolize micro, μ. The term
micro-farad is indicated by combining mu and low-
ercase f, μf. Because the letter mu is not included on
a standard typewriter, the term micro-farad is some-
times shown as uf or mf. All of these terms mean the
same thing.
Another term used is the
pico-farad. This
termis used for extremely small capacitors found
in electronics applications. A pico-farad is one mil-
lionth of a micro-farad and is generally shown as
μμf or pf.
When AC voltage is applied to a capacitor,
Figure 8–4, the plates of the capacitor are alter-
nately charged and discharged each time the cur-
rent changes direction of ow. When a capacitor
is charged, the voltage across its plates becomes
the same as this applied voltage. As the voltage
across the plates of a capacitor increases, it offers
resistance to the ow of current. The applied volt-
age must continually overcome the voltage of the
capacitor to produce current ow. The current in
pure-capacitive circuit is limited by the
voltage of the charged capacitor. Because current
is limited by a counter voltage and not resistance,
the counter voltage of the capacitor is referred to as
reactance. Recall that the symbol for reactance is X.
Because this reactance is caused by capacitance, it
is called
capacitive reactance and is symbol-
ized by X
(pronounced X sub c).
The amount of capacitive reactance in a circuit is
determined by two factors. These are:
1. Frequency of the AC voltage.
2. The size of the capacitor.
If the frequency of the line and the capacitance rat-
ing of the capacitor are known, the capacitive reac-
tance can be found using the following formula:
2 ⫻ π ⫻ F ⫻ C
The value of capacitive reactance is measured in
ohms. In the formula to nd capacitive reactance:
⫽ Capacitive Reactance
π ⫽ The Greek letter Pi, which has a value
of 3.1416
F ⫽ Frequency in Hz
C ⫽ The value of capacitance in farads.
Because most capacitors are rated in
micro-farads, be sure to write the capaci-
tance value in farads. This can be done
by dividing the micro-farad rating by
1,000,000, or moving the decimal point
six places to the left. Example: to change
a 50-μf capacitor to a value expressed in
farads, move the decimal point after the
50 six places to the left. This capacitor has
a value of .000050 farads.