closely associated with hypogene hard ore suggests that
large, soft, high-grade orebodies of the Quadrilátero
Ferrífero, which occur within siliceous itabirite, have a
hypogene contribution in their formation.
Keywords Banded iron
Iron ore
Quadrilátro Ferrífero
Águas Claras
Capão Xavier
The Águas Claras iron-ore mine is located in the Quadrilátero
Ferrífero (QF), southeastern region of Brazil, within the state of
Minas Gerais (Fig. 1). Open-pit mining at Águas Claras
commenced in 1973 and, by 2002, when the mine was closed,
approximately 288 Mt of high-grade iron ore (average >
68% Fe) had been mined by Minerações Brasileiras Reunidas
(MBR) on the crest and along the slopes of a segment of the
Serra do Curral.
The majority of the iron orebodies in the QF are hosted in
itabirites (oxidized, metamorphosed, and heterogeneously
deformed BIFs) of the Cauê Formation, Itabira Group.
Itabirites of the Cauê Formation are similar in lithology to
most major oxide-facies BIFs known worldwide (Dorr
1969). Based on their mineralogical composition, three
major types of itabirites occur in the QF: siliceous, dolomitic,
and amphibolitic.
Unlike other mines of the QF, the Águas Claras Mine
contained mainly high-grade ore (Fe >64%) hosted within
dolomitic itabirite. Although siliceous and dolomitic itabirite
crop out at the mine, the high-grade ore was developed
mainly within the latter. Two distinct types of high-grade ore
occur at the mine: soft and hard ore. The soft ore was the
most abundant and accounted for more than 85% of the total
ore mined.
The genesis of the high-grade (Fe >64%) and low-grade
(30%<Fe<64%) iron ores within the Cauê Formation has
been the object of debate since the beginning of the
twentieth century and continues to be the focus of studies
by several researchers (e.g. Harder and Chamberlain 1915;
Guild 1953;Park1959; Dorr 1964, 1965; Eichler 1968;
Cabral et al. 2003; Rosière and Rios 2004; Spier et al.
2006). Most studies concentrated on ores that originated
from siliceous itabirite, the most common type of itabirite
in the region, probably because dolomitic itabirite is more
restricted to, and concentrated along, the Serra do Curral
(Fig. 1). Recently, Spier et al. (2003) described the geology
of the Águas Claras and Pico iron mines and presented data
for the main chemical constituents of the iron ore at those
This study complements the previous work of Spier et al.
(2003) presenting a detailed study on the mineralogy and
trace element geochemistry of the iron ores of the Águas
Claras Mine and aims at contributing to the discussion
about the genesis of the iron ore in the QF and worldwide.
To illustrate the complexity of processes associated with the
genesis of iron ore in the QF, we have briefly described the
geology of the Capão Xavier (CPX) and Tamanduá (TAM)
iron deposits and compared the orebodies of these deposits
to those of the Águas Claras deposit.
Geological setting
The Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks of the Minas
Supergroup form the mountain ranges of the QF, whereas
the lowlands are occupied by Archean granite-gneiss
basement rocks and the Rio das Velhas Greenstone Belt
sequence (Fig. 1). The giant iron ore deposits of the QF
are hosted in the platformal sediments of the Minas
Supergroup and consist of three metamorphic sequences
(Dorr 1969). The lowest unit is the Caraça Group, which
contains clastic sedimentary rocks. The middle Itabira
Group comprises itabirites with minor dolomite and
phyllite of the Cauê Formation and carbonate rocks of
the Gandarela Formation. Itabirites grade u pward to
dolomites and dolomitic/manganiferous itabirites of the
2.4 Ga Gandarela Formation ( Babinski et al. 19 9 5 ). The
Piracicaba Group comprises clastic sed imentary rocks
(with subordinate dolomites) separated by an unconfor-
mity from the underlying Itabira Group.
Águas Claras Mine
The Águas Claras Mine is located in the northern segment
of the Serra do Curral, a northea st–southwest trending,
∼100-km-long ridge that limits the northwestern edge of
the QF (Fig. 1). Units o f the Minas Supergroup crop out
along m ost of its extension as an inverted sequence without
repetition. In the northern segment of the Serra do Curral,
the rocks are strained, sinistrally rotated from their original
position, and b eds are overturned (Chemale et al. 1994).
Extensive shear zones occur at the contact between the
Minas Supergroup and the underlying A rchean Rio das
Velhas Supergroup. In this region of the Q F, the r ocks of
the Minas Supergroup were subjected to low-grade
greenschist faci es metamorphism (Pires 1995).
At the Águas Claras Mine, quartzite and phyllite of the
Moeda a nd Batatal Formations, as w ell as dolomite,
itabirite and iron ore of the Cauê Formation, are exposed
(Fig. 2a,b). Within the open pit, the dolomitic itabirite is
more common than the siliceous itabirite, which occurs
only on the northern wall at the top of the sequence
(Fig. 2a).
230 Miner Deposita (2008) 43:229–254