Maximum material
condition (MMC)
MMC is that condition of a part or feature which
contains the maximum amount of material, e.g.
minimum size hole, or a maximum size shaft. In certain
cases its use allows an increase in the specified tolerance
if it is indicated that the tolerance applies to the feature
at its maximum material condition.
The maximum material principle takes into account
the mutual dependence of tolerances of size, form,
orientation and/or location and permits additional
tolerance as the considered feature departs from its
maximum material condition.
The free assembly of components depends on the
combined effect of the actual finished sizes and the
errors of form or position of the parts.
Any errors of form or position between two mating
parts have the effect of virtually altering their respective
sizes. The tightest condition of assembly between two
mating parts occurs when each feature is at the MMC,
plus the maximum errors permitted by any required
geometrical tolerance.
Assembly clearance is increased if the actual sizes
of the mating features are finished away from their
MMC, and if any errors of form or position are less
than that called for by any geometrical control. Also,
if either part is finished away from its MMC, the
clearance gained could allow for an increased error of
form or position to be accepted. Any increase of
tolerance gained this way, provided it is functionally
acceptable for the design, is advantageous during the
process of manufacture.
The symbol for maximum material condition is the
letter M enclosed by a circle, M . The symbol is
positioned in the tolerance frame as follows:
(a) Refers to the tolerance only.
(b) Refers to the datum only.
(c) Refers to both tolerance and datum.
Least material condition
LMC is that condition of a part or feature which contains
the minimum amount of material, e.g. maximum size
hole or a minimum size shaft.
Circumstances do arise where, for example, a
designer would require to limit the minimum wall
thickness between a hole and the side of a component.
In such a case we need to control the least material
condition where a part contains the minimum amount
of material.
The appropriate tolerance would then be quoted,
followed by the letter L inside a circle L .
Generally such examples are very few. The
applications which follow cover the more widely found
conditions of MMC.
Maximum material
condition related to
geometrical form
The limit of size, together with geometrical form or
position of a feature, are factors of the maximum
material principle, and its application is restricted to
those features whose size is specified by toleranced
dimensions incorporating an axis or median plane. It
can never be applied to a plane, surface, or line on a
Chapter 22
Maximum material and least
material principles
Virtual size being
the effective
assembly diameter
Fig. 22.1
Ø 0.05
Ø 0.05 M
Ø 0.05