Geometrical tolerances
The object of this section is to illustrate and interpret
in simple terms the advantages of calling for geometrical
tolerances on engineering drawings, and also to show
that, when correctly used, they ensure that communica-
tions between the drawing office and the workshop
are complete and incapable of mis-interpretation,
regardless of any language barrier.
Geometrical tolerances are applied over and above
normal dimensional tolerances when it is necessary to
control more precisely the form or shape of some feature
of a manufactured part, because of the particular duty
that the part has to perform. In the past, the desired
qualities would have been obtained by adding to
drawings such expressions as ‘surfaces to be true with
one another’, ‘surfaces to be square with one another’,
‘surfaces to be flat and parallel’, etc., and leaving it to
workshop tradition to provide a satisfactory inter-
pretation of the requirements.
Geometrical tolerances are used to convey in a brief
and precise manner complete geometrical requirements
on engineering drawings. They should always be
considered for surfaces which come into contact with
other parts, especially when close tolerances are applied
to the features concerned.
No language barrier exists, as the symbols used are
in agreement with published recommendations of the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
and have been internationally agreed. BS 8888
incorporates these symbols.
Caution. It must be emphasized that geometrical
tolerances should be applied only when real advantages
result, when normal methods of dimensioning are
considered inadequate to ensure that the design function
is kept, especially where repeatability must be
guaranteed. Indiscriminate use of geometrical tolerances
could increase costs in manufacture and inspection.
Tolerances should be as wide as possible, as the
satisfactory design function permits.
General rules
The symbols relating to geometrical characteristics are
shown in Fig. 20.1 with additional symbols used in
tolerancing in Fig. 20.1A. Examination of the various
terms – flatness, straightness, concentricity, etc. – used
to describe the geometrical characteristics shows that
one type of geometrical tolerance can control another
form of geometrical error.
For example, a positional tolerance can control
perpendicularity and straightness; parallelism,
perpendicularity, and angularity tolerances can control
The use of geometrical tolerances does not involve
or imply any particular method of manufacture or
inspection. Geometrical tolerances shown in this book,
in keeping with international conventions, must be met
regardless of feature size unless modified by one of
the following conditions:
(a) Maximum material condition, denoted by the
symbol M describes a part, which contains the
maximum amount of material, i.e. the minimum
size hole or the maximum size shaft.
(b) Least material condition, denoted by the symbol
L describes a part, which contains the minimum
amount of material, i.e. the maximum size hole or
the minimum size shaft.
Theoretically exact dimensions
(Fig. 20.2)
These dimensions are identified by enclosure in a
rectangular box, e.g. 50 EQUI-SPACED 60° Ø30
and are commonly known as ‘Boxed dimensions’. They
define the true position of a hole, slot, boss profile,
Boxed dimensions are never individually toleranced
but are always accompanied by a positional or zone
tolerance specified within the tolerance frame referring
to the feature.
Chapter 20
Geometrical tolerancing
and datums