Introducing PL7 software
35015365.01 07/2008 17
Presenting PL7 languages
General points The PL7 software has 4 programming languages:
z ladder
z instruction list
z structured text
z Grafcet
The following table gives the possible uses of the languages according to the type
of PL7.
X = available
- = not available
These languages can be mixed within the same application. One section of program
can be written in ladder, another in text…
These languages set up:
z pre-defined function blocks (Timing, counters,….),
z application specific functions (analogue, communication, counting…),
z specific functions (time management, character strings…),
Language objects can be symbolized using the variables editor or on-line in the
program editors.
The PL7 software complies with the IEC 1131-3 standard (See Reference Manual,
Volumes 2 and 3).
Language Micro PL7 Premium PL7
Ladder X X
Instruction list X X
Structured text X X
Grafcet X (except for macro steps) X