2.4. From Basic to Applied Research 67
in drug development due to high-throughput, genomics-based approaches and
biotech agents have not yet been realized. See Chapter 15 for examples of
biologics and further discussion of the computational challenges in drug design.
Perhaps, as the new director of NIH exclaimed in January 2010, “The power of
the molecular approach to health and disease has steadily gained momentum over
the past several decades and is now poised to catalyze a revolution in medicine.”
[257]. However, it is becoming clear that such revolutionary advances in drug de-
velopment, anticipated in the next decade from a combination of high-throughput
approaches, biologics, pharmacogenomics, and other innovations, require new in-
tegrated paradigms to manage the complex scientific, technological, economic,
and business factors involved and reverse the ebbing trends. A better yield of
innovative and cost-effective pharmaceutical agents might also alleviate the in-
dustry’s political challenges, associated with inadequate availability of drugs to
the world’s poor population.
2.4.4 Gene Therapy – Better Genes
Looking beyond drugs, gene therapy is another approach that is benefiting from
key advances in biomolecular structure/function studies. Gene therapy attempts
to compensate for defective or missing genes that give rise to various ailments —
like hemophilia, the severe combined immune deficiency SCID, sickle-cell ane-
mia, cystic fibrosis, and Crigler-Najjar (CN) syndrome — by trying to coerce the
body to make new, normal genes. This regeneration is attempted by inserting re-
placement genes into viruses or other vectors and delivering those agents to the
DNA of a patient (e.g., intravenously). However, delivery control, biological reli-
ability, as well as possible unwelcome responses by the body against the foreign
invader, remain serious technical hurdles.
One of the classic gene therapy strategies involves direct injection of the
thymidine kinase (TK) gene vector into tumors of cancer patients to control cell
replication. When the TK gene is expressed, cancer cells can be killed after ad-
ministration of Gancyclovir, which is converted by TK into a toxic nucleotide.
This approach was initially used in aggressive brain tumors (glioblastma multi-
forme) and more recently for locally recurrent prostate, breast, and colon tumors,
among others. See Box 2.5 for other examples of gene therapy.
The first death in the fall of 1999 of a gene therapy patient treated with the
common fast-acting weakened cold virus adenovirus led to a barrage of negative
publicity for gene therapy.
However, the first true success of gene therapy was
The patient of the University of Pennsylvania study was an 18-year old boy who suffered from
ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency, a chronic disorder stemming from a missing enzyme
that breaks down dietary protein, leading to accumulation of toxic ammonia in the liver and eventually
brain and kidney failure. The teenager suffered a fatal reaction to the adenovirus vector used to deliver
healthy DNA rapidly. Autopsy suggests that the boy might had been infected with a second cold virus,
parvovirus, which could have triggered serious disorders and organ malfunction that ultimately led to
brain death.