Lonely Hearts Online 41
If I’d had a Facebook page in my late teens and early twenties, I
probably would have posted pictures and links that made me look
fl irtatious, impulsive, and carefree because at the time it’s who
I aspired to be. ank God when I met my husband I either did
such a miserable job aping these qualities that he never thought
I had them or he saw through my performance to the bookish,
contemplative, compulsive planner who was perfect for him.
Not that people can’t lie about both trivialities and important
values in person, but the spontaneity of in-person socializing
makes it less likely they will do so, or at least do so successfully.
e very nature of the profi le page allows people infi nite time to
shape an idealized persona. Case in point: as I write this, an article
posted on the popular men’s site AskMen.com off ers to educate
men on how to craft a Facebook page that will attract women.
If you’re curious about their advice, they suggest staying away
from spontaneous postings of videos, games, or jokes that dudes
like but women might fi nd geeky or crude. Similarly, guys should
avoid revealing anything that could “become a deal breaker for
a woman . . . such as not wanting kids or not believing in mar-
riage,” and they should absolutely delete those comments from
buddies that smack of wild partying, which may be off -putting
to the ladies. As for what should go on single men’s profi les, Ask-
Men recommends photos that make them look well traveled and
regular status updates that smack of mystery like “heading down-
It may all sound a little calculated (and corny) for an application
that was designed to let people fi nd old friends and update their
social circle about their daily activities, but they make some fair, if
fairly creepy, points. As big as the Internet’s potential for bringing
couples together is, it’s nothing compared to its enormous capac-
ity for keeping good mates apart.
Something about that blank profi le page or open Twitter box
prompts our most exhibitionist tendencies. During our regular