Monster Mashup 19
aliens, and their rapaciousness is only halted once the protagonist
joins the aliens not only in spirit but in body, becoming, liter-
ally, one of them. While it is intentionally derivative of the 1990
Dances with Wolves, among other fi lms, the important diff erence,
which ought to mean something, is that no matter how whites
demonized them, the warlike Sioux were human. It was their very
humanity, in fact—love for their communities, indignation at hav-
ing their land stolen, pride and anger and faith and art and all the
things that diff erentiate us from goldfi sh—that led to their bloody
clashes with the U.S. government. Kevin Costner’s Lieutenant
Dunbar switched sides, but in the bloody tooth-and-claw battle
of the species he stayed on the same team. e protagonist in
Avatar, however, not only betrayed humans and helped another
species kill them, he gave up his own humanity.
As in the Twilight series, we have stumbled oddly and with-
out irony in a full circle: the monster of old devoured humans,
subsuming them into his being; now humans—the enlightened
ones, anyway—willingly abandon humanity in favor of assimila-
tion into monsterdom. e Borg and the Bodysnatchers simply
needed more attractive spokesmodels, it seems.
And perhaps we can blame, for this topsy-turvy state of aff airs,
the Puritans themselves. It was they who brought to America’s
shores, after all, the notion that humankind is inherently wicked,
that man is a monster to his core, in fact, unless he happens to be
among God’s foreordained Elect. Concomitantly it was the Puri-
tans who taught us to be on the lookout to divine, among one
another, the signs of election or reprobation. And it was the Puri-
tans who embedded in American culture the notion that physical-
ity is to be distrusted and spirituality exalted. All these beliefs are
essential if one is to embrace the notion that literal monsters can
be spiritually virtuous and humans thoroughly monstrous.
Can we really fault those in turn who subsequently, viewing God
through the Puritan lens, conceptualize him as a monster as well?
It’s a fairly short path from Calvin’s doctrine of Election to the