Beaubourg and Les Halles
Fontaine des Innocents
The Fontaine des Innocents, a
fine Renaissance fountain, deco-
rated with bas-reliefs, is Paris’s
oldest surviving fountain, dating
from 1549. It takes its name from
the cemetery that used to occupy
this site, the Cimetière des
Agnès B
2, 3, 6, 10, 19 rue du Jour. Mon–Wed, Fri
& Sat 10–7, Thurs 10am–9pm. Chic
French fashion for men, women
and children.
Comptoir des Ecritures
35 rue Quincampoix. Tues–Sat
11am–7pm. A delightful shop
entirely devoted to the art of
calligraphy, with an extensive
collection of paper, pens,
brushes and inks.
Pâtisserie Stohrer
51 rue Montorgueil. Daily
7.30am–8pm; closed first two weeks
of Aug. Discover what pain aux
raisins should really taste like at
Pâtisserie Stohrer, in business
since 1730.
La Samaritaine
75 rue de Rivoli; Mon–Sat
9.30am–7pm, Thurs till 10pm. A
splendid Art Nouveau depart-
ment store, dating back to 1903,
recently given something of an
upmarket makeover.
Zadig & Voltaire
15 rue du Jour. Mon-Sat 10am-7pm.
The women’s clothes at this
small Parisian chain are pretty
and trendy in a relaxed way. In
style they’re not a million miles
from Agnes B, only with a more
wayward flair.
Café Beaubourg
43 rue St-Merri. Mon–Thurs & Sun
8am–1am, Sat 8am–2am. A seat
under the expansive awnings of
this stylish café is one of the best
places for people-watching on
the Pompidou Centre’s piazza.
Pompidou Centre, top floor. Daily
except Tues noon–midnight. This
cool, ultra-minimalist restaurant
commands stunning views over
the rooftops of Paris (smoking
seats have the best views).The
French-Asian fusion cuisine is
passable though somewhat over-
priced – but then that’s not
really why you come.
Au Pied de Cochon
6 rue Coquillière. Daily 24hr. A Les
Halles institution, this is the
place to go for extravagant
middle-of-the-night pork
chops, oysters and, of course,
pigs’ trotters.
La Robe et le Palais
13 rue des Lavandières St-Opportune
t01.; Mon–Sat noon–2pm
& 7.30–11pm. Small, bustling
restaurant à vins serving tradi-
tional cuisine and an excellent
selection of wines at reasonable
La Tour de Montlhéry
(Chez Denise)
5 rue des Prouvaires
t; 24hr Mon–Fri;
closed mid-July to mid-Aug. An old-
style Les Halles bistrot serving
substantial food at slightly above
average prices; always crowded
and smoky.