Index 299
Grundlegung einer allgemeinen
Translationstheorie (ReiB / Vermeer)
Gudykunst, William B. 194, 205
Gutt, Ernst-August 20
habit (Peirce) 50, 84, 85-8, 91-5,
99-100, 242, 269-70; and alarm bells
habitus (Bourdieu) 129, 130
Hampden-Turner, Charles 81
Harris, Brian 151
Hart, Leslie 81
Hatim, Basil 142, 151, 281
Hegel, G.W.F. 250
hegemony (Gramsci) 188
Heidegger, Martin 250
Hermans, Theo 171, 196,205
Hewson, Lance 20
Holmes, James S. 171, 195, 205
Holz-Manttari, Justa 20, 69, 171,
Hoopes, D.S. 194,205
How Brains Work (Calvin) 50
How To Do Things With Words (Austin) 147,
howlers 100-1, 113, 187
Huovinen, Irmeli 249
Hymes, Dell 158
impulsive-experimental (learning style)
In Other Words (Baker) 153-8
income from translation 22, 24, 28—33, 91
independent / dependent / interdependent
(learning styles) 59, 61-2
induction (Peirce) 84, 87-90, 92-5, 98,
105, 108, 114, 116, 120, 146-8,209,
242, 250, 276; as best teacher 271; as
checking alternatives 219; and cultural
immersion 192; and functional
approaches 171; linguistic 146; and the
translator community 168; and
working people 131
instinct (Peirce) 86-8, 91-5
intelligent activity, translation as 49—50
intercultural communication (ICC)
internal perspective on translation (Pym)
6-7, 19, 22-45, 253
internally-referenced (learning style) 59,
Internet 103, 106, 169; and term
databases, 131-3, 139
interpreting 64, 65, 67, 68, 71-3, 84,
116, 129; chuchotage 61; conference
69, 123; court 69, 74, 123; escort 61,
69; simultaneous 61, 74
intuition in translation 12—17, 75, 209,
221; see also abduction
intuitive-experimental (learning style) 59,
involvement in the profession 22, 24—5
Jacquemond, Richard 197—8, 205
Jensen, Eric 57, 62, 63, 68, 71, 81,
Jerome (Eusebius Hieronymus) 106—7,
Kant, Immanuel 250
Kim, Young Yun 126, 194, 205
kinesthetic (learning style) 55, 58, 63,
66-8,77-80,80, 136,241
Krashen, Steven 60, 81
Krings, Hans 126
Krontiris, Tina 198, 205
Kussmaul, Paul 110, 129, 163, 279
Lantra-L 15, 106, 123, 128, 132, 135,
161, 182, 190,211,260
learning49-81, 84, 91, 123, 135-6, 260,
271; and experience 98; and memory
50—1; state-dependent 53
learning styles 55-81, 108, 120, 261-2,
LeDoux, Joseph 52
Lefevere, Andre 70, 73, 171, 195, 196,
200-3, 205
letter to Pammachius (Jerome) 106—7,
Levine, Suzanne Jill 26, 72, 198, 205
Like Water For Chocolate (Esquivel) 179
Lindsay, Jack 201, 203
"Logic and Conversation" (Grice) 144
Lorscher, Wolfgang 95
Lotbiniere-Harwood, Susanne 26, 72,
198, 205
Loyal Counselor, The (Duarte) 214
Lozanov, Georgi 1, 60, 241