Smithsonian Institution
first weather map at 80
Henry, Joseph, at 78–79
meteorological project of 25,
and use of telegraphy in weather
reports 2, 52, 56, 183
smoke generators, development of
Snel, Willebrord 17
Snider-Pellegrini, Antonio 193
snowflake(s), study of
Bentley, Wilson Alwyn, and
18, 19, 19–20
Hooke, Robert, and 18,
Kepler, Johannes, and 18
Schaefer, Vincent, and 150
Snowflake Bentley (Martin) 20
The Snowflake Man (Blanchard) 24
soaring 105
Society for the Diffusion of Useful
Knowledge 47
solar activity, climate response to,
Tinsley’s theory of 180, 181–182
solar corona, Arrhenius’s study of 13
solar devices for meteorological
measurements 106, 107
solar spectrum, Ångström’s map of 7
solar wind 181
Solberg, Halvor 20
solitons, theory of 169
Solomon, Susan 159–161, 160
Soviet Union. See Russia
space shuttle, lightning observation
from 30
spectra, research on, Daniell, John,
and 48
spectroscopy, Ångström, Anders, and
Spencer, Archibald 58
spin-scan camera, invention of 170
sprites 30
coining of term 154
red 72–73
Sputnik satellite 72
squall lines 20, 97
Stampioen, Jan Jansz 17
standard time, introduction in United
States 4
Stanley, Mark 30
aberration, discovery of 84
double, earliest examples of
State University of New York at
Albany. See also Atmospheric
Research Science Center (ARSC)
Stolzenburg, Maribeth, at 165
Vonnegut, Bernard, at 190
statistical mechanics, founding of 28
STBL. See stratocumulus topped
boundary layer
Stefan, Josef 27, 28
Stensrud, David J. 161–163, 162
Stevenson, Alan 164
Stevenson, Robert 163
Stevenson, Robert Louis 164, 176
Stevenson, Thomas 163–165
thermometer screen invented by
164, 176
Stibitz, George 124
Stokes, George Gabriel 110, 168, 178
Stolzenburg, Maribeth 120, 165–166
Stommel, Henry Melson 167–168
storm(s). See also thunderstorm(s)
convection theory of 52
convective 15, 99, 100
magnetic, Chapman’s theory of
mesocyclone paradigms used to
predict 99
origin of, controversy over 52
types of
and types of raindrops 19
and types of snowflakes
warning flag system for 3
“Storm King” 52
storm-rain gauge 176
stratocumulus topped boundary layer
(STBL) 99
chemical-dynamical model of
gyroscopic pumping in 113–114
naming of 177
stratospheric aerosols, quantification of
string telegraph, invention of 84
Stromer, Martin 35
Strutt, John William (Lord Rayleigh)
and Shaw, Sir William 154
Struve, Friedrich Georg Wilhelm 1
Struve, Otto 1
Stuart, John McDougall 182
subgrid closure 99
Sun. See also under solar
differential rotation of 115
Sun-centered universe, Copernicus’s
theory of 63–64
sunspots, Bjerknes, Vilhelm, on 23
Suomi, Verner 169–171
SuomiNet 171
supersonic winds 51
Surface Wave Dynamics Experiment
(SWADE) 91
Surtees, Antony J. 171, 171–172
Sverdrup, Harald Ulrik 22, 172–174
Swanson, Brian Douglas 174–175
Celsius Observatory in 35
Lapland Expedition in 34–35
Symons, George James 176
synoptic chart, origin of term 56
Tahkuse Observatory (Estonia)
Tait, Peter Guthrie 110, 178
Talbot, Curtis 150
Tammet, Hannes 77, 147, 149
Taylor, Frank B. 193
Teisserenc de Bort, Léon Philippe 177
in Australia 182
Hertz’s experiments and
development of 81
invention of xiii–xiv, 79
Kelvin’s mirror-galvanometer
used in 178
optical 5
string, invention of 84
use in weather reports 2, 52, 56,
79–80, 183
Galileo’s discovery of 63
invention of 72, 83, 84
Newton’s design for 127
largest 1
Newton’s opposition to 127
television, Langmuir’s discoveries and
development of 96
temperature scale
Celsius 34, 35
Fahrenheit 53, 54
Kelvin 178
tephigram, invention of 155
Texas A&M 129
theodolites 89
Theopharstus 11
254 A to Z of Scientists in Weather and Climate