light (continued)
speed of, faster approach to 75
wave theory of 84, 127
lighthouses 163–164
lightning. See also lightning protection;
lightning research
artificial 75
ball 73, 74–75
mapping, broadband
interferometry for 108
positive charges to ground 107
rocket-triggered 191
strikes, errors in locating 107
ultimate cause of, theory
explaining 74
VHF observations of 179–180
Lightning Location and Protection, Inc.
lightning protection
Surtees, Antony, and 172
Uman, Martin, and 187–188
lightning research
Brook, Marx, and 29–30
Franklin, Benjamin, and 58, 59
Hale, Les, and 72
Handel, Peter, and 73, 74
Holle, Ronald, and 82
Mach, Douglas, and 107
Rakov, Vladimir, and 135
Richard, Philippe, and 141, 142
Sentman, Davis, and 154
Stolzenburg, Maribeth, and 166
Uman, Martin, and 187–188
Vonnegut, Bernard, and 190
Wang, Daohong 191–192
Zajac, Bard, and 201–202
lightning rod, invention of 58, 59
Lilly, Douglas K. 98–100
line convection, effect of winds on 97
Linfield College 50
Linneaus, Carolus 35, 85
Liou, Kuo-Nan 100–104, 101
liquid crystals, phase transitions of 175
Liu, W. Timothy 90
The London Times, first daily forecasts in
longitude, determination of 18
long waves (planetary waves) 37–38
global five-day 197
Los Alamos National Laboratory
atomic bomb development at
72, 124
Hale, Les, at 72
Tierney (neé Morris), Heidi, at
lunar craters 84, 194
Luts, Aare 149
Lyceum (Athens, Greece) 11
Lyons, Walter 197
MacCready, Paul Beattie 105–107,
MacGorman, D. R. 107
Mach, Douglas Michael 107
Madison, James 57
magnetic storms, Chapman’
s theory of
magnetospheric substorm 37
Man-computer Interactive Data Access
System (McIDAS) 170
maps, weather
Blodget, Lorin, and 26, 27
Buchan, Alexander, and 30
Buys Ballot, Christoph, and 31,
color-coded intensities on 15
first 80
first marine 31
Galton, Sir Francis, and 65
Todd, Charles, and 183
Marconi, Guglielmo 82, 112
Marder, Michael 6
Mardiana, Redy 107–108, 108
marine aerosols, research on 40–41
Marine Remote Sensing Experiment
marine stratocumulus 99
meteorology on 107
rotation of, first observation of
white caps on 39
MARSEN. See Marine Remote Sensing
Marshall, John 57
Marshall, Thomas C. 120
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs 20
Maryland State Weather Service 3
Maser-Soliton theory of ball lightning
Mason, B. J. 50
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Charney, Jule, at 38
Kalnay, Eugenia, at 87
Philander, S. George, at 133
Rasmusson, Eugene, at 137
Rossby, Carl-Gustaf, at 144
Stommel, Henry, at 167
Vonnegut, Bernard, at 189
Williams, Earle, at 196, 197
Maud (ship) 173
Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis de 34, 35
Maury, Matthew Fontaine 108–110,
Maxwell, James Clerk 110–112, 111,
127, 142
at Cambridge University 110,
on cosmic radiation 13
and Shaw, Sir William 154
theory of electromagnetic waves
and Thomson, William 178
Maxwell-Boltzmann kinetic theory of
gases 111
Mayntas II (king of Macedon) 11
McCormick, Michael Patrick 112–113
McGeorge, James 182
McIDAS. See Man-computer
Interactive Data Access System
McIntire, Michael Edgeworth
113–115, 114
Medici, Prince Leopoldo de’ 53
Mencke, Otto 54
mercury thermometers 5
Meredith, Hugh 57
Mersenne, Marin 17
mesoscale convective systems, study of
Stensrud, David, and 162
Stolzenburg, Maribeth, and 166
mesoscale meteorology 10, 60
chemical-dynamical model of
electric fields in 72, 73
Meteorologica (Aristotle) xiii, 11
Meteorological Office (U.K.)
British Rainfall Organization and
Shaw, Sir William, at 154, 155
Meteorological Society of London,
founding of 47
meteorology, father of 12
Meteorology Research, Inc. 105, 107
meteors, Aristotle’s use of term 12
methane, emissions from rice fields
Michelson, Albert A. 81
Milankovitch, Milutin 43, 115–116
military, and weather reporting 2, 3, 80
Miller, William Hallowes 48
250 A to Z of Scientists in Weather and Climate