and the orientation of their arms indicates a fairly constant direction of the two transverse
eigenvectors—respectively, the least and most compressive eigendirections. The third helix exhibits a more
complex behavior, suggesting that the stress tensor is less uniform in the region of contact between the tubes
and the body than in other parts of the flow.
Figure 5.24 (bottom) shows the viscous stress tensor
in the same flow. As expected, the trajectories are
similar to those in Figure 5.24(top), but removing the large isotropic pressure contribution dramatically
enhances the anisotropy of the cross-section of the tubes. The surface corresponds to a constant eccentricity of
90 and is crossed twice by each tube.
5.5 Conclusions
A unified view of vector and tensor field visualization techniques in computational fluid dynamics has been
presented in this chapter. Many diverse application-dependent visualization mappings are described in a
unified framework by considering the semiotics of data representation and by identifying attributes of icons.
Visualization mappings are classified as a function of their object, spatial domain, and information level. Line
and surface icons improve the display of elementary information by using point icons. Local icons represent
data gradients, and global icons reveal the complete structure of the data field. The concepts are illustrated
here mainly by examples of aerodynamical flows, but apply to a much wider variety of data.
Undoubtedly, there are various types of icons suggested by our classification that are yet to be designed. For
example, empty boxes in Figure 5.2 suggest that research be carried out in order to design local surface icons
of vector fields, as well as elementary surface and local icons of tensor fields. In addition, global icons of
vector and tensor data must still be improved and new mappings are to be designed.
5.6 Appendix: Software Environments for Flow Visualization
This appendix completes the former theoretical discussion by describing actual implementations of various
visualization mappings. Many different software packages for scientific visualization have appeared during
the last few years, and extensive reviews are given, for example, in References [73, 74]. In the following, we
first discuss FAST, a powerful visualization environment that includes facilities for computational
aerodynamics. Then, we mention other visualization software capable of displaying scalar and vector fields.
To our knowledge, tensor field mappings have not yet been implemented in multipurpose visualization
packages, with the notable exception of NCSA’s RIVERS project [2].
FAST. (Flow Analysis Software Toolkit)
is a flow visualization environment made up of several programs
(modules) providing visualization tools for scalar and vector fields defined over single or multi-zoned grids
[75]. The user commands the different modules by means of interactive graphical interfaces built with the
Panel Library [76]. Every graphical object created with FAST, as well as grids, solution files, scalar and
vector fields, are placed in shared memory and are accessible by all modules. FAST currently runs on Silicon
Graphics 4D workstations. Its portability is enhanced, however, by the use of modular programming methods,
a graphics library standard, and common network communication protocols for the distribution of processing
(Unix sockets). In addition, FAST is extensible and facilities are provided for implementing new modules and
customizing the graphical interface.
Contact Cosmic, The University of Georgia, 382 East Broad Street, Athens, GA 30602-4272 USA.
FAST supports both structured and unstructured grid files and solution files, as well as any precomputed
scalar or vector data in PLOT3D format. FAST is also capable of loading and rendering ArcGraph metafiles
A calculator module computes various scalar and vector functions from the input data and performs different
mathematical operations on the resulting fields. It has the appearance and functionality of real programmable
calculators, but, instead of operating on numbers, it operates on fields of scalar numbers and vectors. More
than a hundred scalar and vector functions are preprogrammed, but the user can interactively create and
execute any formula that transforms scalar and vector fields.
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