boundary conditions (Inner Boundary; constant rate or constant pressure: Outer Boundary; infinite,
constant pressure or closed) the solutions behave in a logical manner.
The linear and spherical systems behave in similar ways, because the spherical equation can
be transformed into a form identical to linear flow. Thus both geometries show a square root of
time relationship for the infinite system for predicting encroachment. For the linear system, the
pressure prediction is also proportional to the square root of time. While for the spherical system,
the equation is slightly more complex, but still simple.
For the infinite radial systems, the very early time data also follow square root of time
behavior. For a limited time, simple empirical extensions of this idea are valid for either the constant
pressure or constant flow rate inner boundary.
The very long time behavior of the infinite radial systems are also logical, being functions of
the logarithm of time. Simple empirical adjustments to these late time results are shown for both the
constant pressure and constant flow rate inner boundary.
For all the finite systems, either a constant pressure or a closed outer boundary can be
assumed. The early time data for these systems all follow the infinite curves. Simple equations
define the times when this short time behavior is no longer valid. As expected, these equations are
functions of the sizes of the systems.
Once the outer boundary begins to be felt, the equations, for all practical purposes, jump
immediately to the long time form expected for that geometry and boundary condition. For example,
for a constant pressure inner and outer boundary, the cumulative influx varies linearly with time,
following the steady state Darcy equation. Similarly, for the constant rate inner boundary and a
closed outer boundary, the pseudo-steady state equations define the linear pressure decline behavior.
These statements are true for all three geometries.
By comparison, for a constant rate inner boundary and constant pressure outer boundary,
exponential decline is seen. The pressure history is a logarithmic function of dimensionless time.
On the logarithmic coordinate we graph,
tpp −∞ , to depict this exponential behavior.
Similarly, for the constant pressure inner boundary and the closed outer boundary, we also
see exponential behavior. This, too, has a limit at infinite time,
Q , which is defined by the
geometry. The variable graphed on the arithmetic coordinate is again the dimensionless time, while
the logarithmic coordinator is
tQQ −∞ .
Thus we’ve seen that the exact solutions can be transformed into very accurate simple
approximations which make calculations much easier, and which also give great insight into the
behavior of the various solutions. These approximate equations can be used to greatly simplify
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2. Brigham, W.E.: “Injectivity Calculations for Various Flooding Patterns,” class notes, PE 270A,
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