(William E. Brigham)
Whenever a closed system is being produced at a constant rate, after a period of time the
entire system starts to be depleted. This depletion rate is constant everywhere in the system. This
state of dynamic equilibrium is usually called pseudosteady state flow, for the forms of the
equations look a great deal like their steady state equivalents.
These equation forms follow the diffusivity equation. However, they can be derived
without using that equation, but rather, by integrating Darcy’s Law and by invoking the overall
material balance equation. The forms of these equations can be examined for all three of the
geometries commonly used by reservoir engineers; linear, radial and spherical. These solutions are
found to be imbedded in the published transient equations for these geometries. However, these
transient results are written in such a way that it is not obvious that these concepts have been
included in them.
Thus the results seen in these notes are not new. But, in the form presented, they give great
insight on the nature of these flow equations, and the concepts leading up to them. It is always
useful to clarify concepts of this sort.
I have written a series of notes for steady state flow, and for successions of steady states
(Brigham, 1987). I’m going to deviate from that scenario to discuss transient flow in closed
bounded systems. This is flow that follows the diffusivity equation; however, in discussing this
type of flow behavior, the diffusivity equation will not need to be used.
If we have a well producing at a constant rate in a closed system, the pressure at the well
drops with time; also the effect of flow at the well is to cause the pressure drop to move further into
the reservoir with time. After a period of time the effect of the well is seen at the outer boundary.
Since it is a closed system, with no flow at the outer boundary, the pressure gradient there must be
zero. However, since the well is depleting the reservoir, the pressure must drop there with time just
as it does in the remainder of the reservoir.
After a period of time in this closed system, a state of dynamic equilibrium is reached where
the well begins to deplete the entire reservoir. From this time onward each part of the system will
be depleted at an equal rate, thus the rate at which the pressure declines becomes the same
everywhere. For now, I’ll have to ask you to take this statement on faith. Later, after we have
developed the equations, we will see if we can prove that it is valid.