2 Practical Hydraulic Systems
With the passage of time, the science of hydraulics kept on developing as more and
more efficient ways of converting hydraulic energy into useful work were discovered.
The subject of hydraulics which dealt with the physical behavior of water at rest or in
motion remained a part of civil engineering for a long time. However, after the invention
of James Watt's 'steam engine', there arose the need for efficient transmission of power,
from the point of generation to the point of use. Gradually many types of mechanical
devices such as the line shaft, gearing systems, pulleys and chains were discovered. It was
then that the concept of transmitting power through fluids under pressure was thought of.
This indeed was a new field of hydraulics, encompassing varying subjects such as power
transmission and control of mechanical motion, while also dealing with the characteristics
of fluids under pressure.
To distinguish this branch of hydrauhcs from water hydraulics, a new name called
'Industrial hydraulics' or more commonly, 'oil hydraulics' was coined. The significance
behind choosing this name lies in the fact that this field of hydraulics employs oil as a
medium of power transmission. Water which is considered to be practically
incompressible is still used in present-day hydrotechnology. The term water hydraulics
has since been coined for this area of engineering. But by virtue of their superior qualities
such as resistance to corrosion as well as their sliding and lubricating capacity, oils which
are generally mineral-based are the preferred medium for transmission of hydraulic
The study of 'Oil Hydraulics' actually started in the late seventeenth century when
Pascal discovered a law that formed the fundamental basis for the whole science of
hydraulics. The concept of undiminished transmission of pressure in a confined body of
fluid was made known through this principle. Later Joseph Bramah, developed an
apparatus based on Pascal's law, known as Bramah'spress while Bernoulli developed his
law of conservation of energy for a fluid flowing in a pipeline. This along with Pascal's
law operates at the very heart of all fluid power applications and is used for the purpose
of analysis, although they could actually be applied to industry only after the industrial
revolution of 1850 in Britain.
Later developments resulted in the use of a network of high-pressure water pipes,
between generating stations having steam-driven pumps and mills requiring power. In
doing this, some auxiliary devices such as control valves, accumulators and seals
were also invented. However, this project had to be shelved because of primarily
two reasons, one the non-availability of different hydraulic components and two, the
rapid development of electricity, which was found to be more convenient and suitable
for use.
A few developments towards the late nineteenth century led to the emergence of
electricity as a dominant technology resulting in a shift in focus, away from fluid power.
Electrical power was soon found to be superior to hydraulics for transmitting power over
long distances.
The early twentieth century witnessed the emergence of the modern era of fluid
power with the hydraulic system replacing electrical systems that were meant for
elevating and controlling guns on the battleship USS Virginia. This application used oil
instead of water. This indeed was a significant milestone in the rebirth of fluid power
hydraulics. After World War II, the field of hydraulic power development has
witnessed enormous development. In modern times, a great majority of machines
working on the principle of 'oil hydraulics' have been employed for power
transmission. These have successfully been able to replace mechanical and electrical
drives. Hydraulics has thus come to mean, 'the science of the physical behavior of