Representing Social-Science Knowledge Analytically 423
runs is a “mechanical” matter behind the scenes. e results, then,
must be analyzed like “data” to see if patterns emerge. e results can
be integrated and summarized for comprehensible displays such as
the colored scorecards used in RAND’s approach to portfolio analy-
sis (bottom right). Analysts examine the results in a myriad of ways
using such methods as standard statistical regressions, motivated meta-
models, and data mining (Davis, Bankes, and Egner, 2007; Lempert,
Groves, Popper, and Bankes, 2006).
is “exploratory analysis” approach represents a very different
paradigm than starting with a baseline scenario, simulating the conse-
quences for a few alternative strategies, and then conducing a handful
of excursions with different assumptions.
e fundamental concept in such work is to find strategies that •
are likely do well across much of the uncertainty space rather than
performing well only for best-estimate assumptions.
e approach seeks “FAR strategies,” that is, strategies that are Flexible,
Adaptive, and Robust (see also National Research Council, 2006).
Some traditional analysts view such an image with horror because
they are used to spending months working out details of a baseline
model and database. How could they be asked to work on an entire
scenario space? Fortunately, in exploratory analysis the premium is on
achieving a synoptic view rather than precision. Simpler models suf-
fice for initial work, so that running huge numbers of cases may be
relatively straightforward, occurring behind the scenes. e fruits of
exploratory analysis can be shown in displays that identify the circum-
stances in which outcomes are, for example, favorable or unfavorable,
and where the boundary lines lie, that is, defining different regions.
e intellectual content has to do with learning how many impor-
tantly different regions exist and where they lie in the n-dimensional
assumptions space (also called factor space, scenario space, and param-
eter space).
In some cases, the regions can be identified by clever analysts
without much computation, in which case it is even easier to identify a
small “spanning set” of analytical cases, one or two for each important