Understanding Competitors and Competition
It is possible for a company to
take advantage of implementing
the process improvements either to
enhance its lead in the existing mar-
ket or to enter new markets, once
the company successfully imple-
ments the re-engineered process
along with the value chain ele-
ments. The enablers in the pro-
cess change in a company are
people, management, leadership
skills, organizational culture, exper-
tise, market place stimuli and the
performance measurements. The
companies getting prepared to
reengineer the business process
and sustain in the competition have
to give away the bureaucratic way
of thinking and must put efforts to shift to the new market driven paradigms. The Figure 1.6 exhibits
the market interplay engineering path for the companies looking to adopt process change strategy for
regaining the competitive strength. In this process, it is necessary for a company to reorient its team
leaders with new paradigm elements and process oriented operations to stand ahead in the competi-
tion and outperform the business rivals. Such reorientation must be towards creating vision, articulat-
ing and sharing values, transparency in the team work, and relationship management at all levels -
customers and channel managers. The company has to develop corporate core team for building
functional expertise among the managers implementing the competitive strategies. The company has
to establish direct contacts between the market place and customers to have direct control over the
flow of goods and services and customer reactions.
Companies open to global trading must accept the challenge of competition. The competitive
pressures drive the companies to look at their process and determine that they can become
competitive or even leapfrog the competition by focusing on the process, lead attribute and quality.
For example, the Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Company in its logo writes 31, the number indicates
their distinguished 31 flavors (one flavor a day) which adds to its performance and lead in the
market. The Hewlett Packard computers in the early 90’s thoroughly redesigned its printers and
re-engineered by simplifying the process and are now leading in Indian markets. In many instances,
competition goes hand in hand with the customer service as the competition is also related to the
customer needs. Hence, the companies need to re-define their process to connect to the customers
and subsequently re-engineer them.
Re-engineering business process for a company is a systematic approach for gaining strength in
three basic areas comprising optimization of cost, handling renewed competitiveness and building
competitive dominance in the market. Of many competitive dimensions the product performance,
market reach, rate of new product development and innovation, resource leverage and customer
Figure 1.6 Engineering market interplay
Pre-engineered business process
Reengineered business process