Metals are substances characterized by high electrical and thermal
conductivity as well as by malleability, ductility, and high reflectivity
of light.
Approximately three-quarters of all known chemical elements
are metals. The most abundant varieties in the Earth’s crust are alu-
minum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. The vast
majority of metals are found in ores (mineral-bearing substances), but
a few such as copper, gold, platinum, and silver frequently occur in
the free state because they do not readily react with other elements.
Metals are usually crystalline solids. In most cases, they have a rela-
tively simple crystal structure distinguished by a close packing of atoms
and a high degree of symmetry. Typically, the atoms of metals contain
less than half the full complement of electrons in their outermost shell.
Because of this characteristic, metals tend not to form compounds
with each other. They do, however, combine more readily with non-
metals (e.g., oxygen and sulfur), which generally have more than half
the maximum number of valence electrons. Metals differ widely in
their chemical reactivity. The
most reactive include lithium,
potassium, and radium, whereas
those of low reactivity are gold,
silver, palladium, and platinum.
The high electrical and ther-
mal conductivities of the simple
metals (i.e., the non-transition
metals of the periodic table)
are best explained by reference
to the free-electron theory.
According to this concept, the
individual atoms in such metals
have lost their valence electrons
to the entire solid, and these
free electrons that give rise to
conductivity move as a group
throughout the solid. In the case
of the more complex metals (i.e.,
the transition elements), con-
ductivities are better explained
Block of metallic gold. © Jupiterimages
7 Mineral classification and Associations 7