the exergy efficiency of the IGCC plant? How does improving the exergy effi-
ciency affect the profitability of the process? The answers to these questions will
be provided in subsequent sections.
4 Maximization of Power Generation
In the previous section we described how data from flowsheet simulation can be
used to define hot and cold process streams. In this section, we will show how it is
possible, in a simple way, to maximize the generation of power from steam whilst
recovering the maximum amount of heat from the IGCC process hot composite
curve. Firstly, we will briefly describe an optimization model and then perform a
simple sensitivity analysis to assess the maximum amount of power generated as a
function of a given temperature driving force loss (HRAT), within the heat-
recovery network.
4.1 Optimization Model for Maximal Energy Recovery
Several indexes have to be specified before presenting the model:
• Index i for hot process streams and hot steam-condensing streams, given by
set H
• Index j for cold process streams and cold steam-producing streams, given by
set C
In addition we define a subset of cold process streams C
and a subset of cold
steam-producing streams C
, and similarly, a subset of hot process streams H
, and
a subset of hot steam-condensing streams H
We can apply either a variation of the minimum utility transhipment model by
Papoulias and Grossmann [6] based on a heat cascade diagram or a variation of the
simultaneous heat integration model by Duran and Grossmann [1] based on the
pinch location method. Since the latter needs less data handing, we chose the pinch
location method. Only a short description of the model and its adaptation to the
IGCC problem is given here. For further details, please refer to the book by
Biegler et al. [7]. The basic idea of the pinch location method relies on an insight
that the pinch can only occur at one of the inlet temperatures for hot and cold
streams. Thus, a heat balance is posed at every inlet temperature T
and T
calculate any heat deficit above it as the difference between the heat content of a
cold composite curve (CCC) above this temperature, and the heat content of a hot
composite curve (HCC) above this temperature with the addition of the minimum
recovery approach temperature (HRAT). It can be shown that the maximal heat
deficit corresponds to the minimum consumption of the hot utility Q
whilst the
Process Integration: HEN Synthesis, Exergy Opportunities 211