applied problems, notably global change of climate and land use, are creating urgent demand
for plant functional type classifications that might permit worldwide generalizations (Steffen
et al 1992, Ko
rner 1993, Woodward and Cramer 1996, Smith et al 1997). The gradual
accumulation of comparative information in electronic databases is reaching critical mass,
allowing patterns to have their generality quantified much more widely and quickly than a
decade ago. Together, these trends mean that generalization across species and the associated
topic of ecological strategy schemes are becoming keys to research progress in functional
plant ecology over the next 10–20 years.
In this context the selection of species for study is an issue deserving closer attention
than it has received up to the present. The maxim is to be explicit. This means describing
explicitly the boundaries on categories of species that are to be compared in any given study.
Ideally one would then select replicate species at random within those categories. This is a
counsel of perfection that will be hard to meet in practice, but again, authors should be
encouraged to think about and list explicitly whatever exclusion rules they have found
it necessary to use, that prevented them from choosing at random from the whole list of
species within a particular category. The work of subsequent literature review and general-
ization must surely become more rigorous and powerful once reviewers have available to
them a clearer knowledge of what sort of species have been studied and what sorts have
been avoided.
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