Russo and Augspurger 2004), in caches (by rodents, Howe 1989, Forget 1990, Willson 1993), or
in latrines (by tapirs, Fragoso et al. 2003). Some dispersal agents not only help seeds escape
negative density dependency in the vicinity of the parent, but also help deliver seeds to specific
safe sites, such as treefall gaps (directed dispersal, Wenny 2001). Examples include bellbirds in
tropical cloud forests (Wenny and Levey 1998), ants in lowland tropical forests (Horvitz and
Schemske 1994), and mice in temperate forests (Seiwa et al. 2002). Even wind may preferen-
tially deliver seeds into treefall gaps by their interaction with canopy roughness (Augspurger
and Franson 1988, but see Jones et al. 2005). Effectiveness of dispersal not only depends on the
identity of the dispersers, but also their interaction with fruit and seed size (Seiwa et al. 2002,
Alcantara and Rey 2003, Jansen et al. 2004). Loss of effective dispersal animals due to hunting
and habitat fragmentations are likely to result in a large proportion of seeds undispersed near
parents, all of which may be killed by density-dependent natural enemies (Wright and Duber
2001, Chapman et al. 2003).
The range of animals involved in seed dispersal is very wide. The most important groups
are birds and mammals, but cases of seed dispersal by other vertebrates are known, for
example, fish (Goulding 1980, Horn 1997), amphibians (Silva et al. 1989), and reptiles
(Hnatiuk 1978). Seed dispersal by earthworms has also been recorded (McRill and Sagar
1973, Piearce et al. 1994). Some seeds may be dispersed more than once: first deposited by
birds, monkeys, and bats, and then removed by secondary dispersers such as ants (Hughes
and Westoby 1992, Levey and Byrne 1993), dung beetles (Chapman et al. 2003), and scatter-
hoarding rodents (Forget and Milleron 1991). Survival of seeds may be negligible if they
remain in clumps under bat or bird roosts. Ants are the only invertebrate group that disperses
seeds in any appreciable number (Stiles 2000). Dispersal by ants (myrmecochory) is especially
prevalent in warm dry climates and on infertile soils (Beattie and Culver 1982, Westoby et al.
1991). Ant-dispersed seeds are typically provided with an oil body (elaiosome), which the ants
eat. They retrieve the seed from the ground, carry them off to their nests, remove the
elaiosome, and deposit the seed in a refuse heap. Not all seeds survive ant transport, and in
some cases a proportion of the seeds are eaten as well (Hughes and Westoby 1992, Levey and
Byrne 1993). The advantages to the plant are thought to be (a) dispersal, though usually only
within a few meters of the source; (b) protection from rodents by being burried out of sight;
(c) protection from fire; and (d) deposition in a favorable microsite for germination and
establishment (Bennet and Krebs 1987). Not all of these features may be equally important in
all cases. The importance of the mutualism for the plant can be seen in cases where native ants
have been replaced by less well adapted invaders, as in the case of fynbos species in South
Africa pushed out by the Argentine ant (Bond and Slingby 1984) and native ants in North
America pushed out by fire ants (Zettler et al. 2001).
Long-distance dispersal is clearly important for movement of plants after major climate
changes, migration to oceanic islands and fragmented habitats, and invasion by exotic
species (Cain et al. 2000, 2003). Yet, there are selective pressures against long-distance
dispersal, because a seed transported to very long distances is likely to face a risk of
removal from its natural habitat, which may be patchily distributed. Comparisons between
related plants on mainlands and islands show that dispersabilty of wind-dispersed species
is often reduced on islands, presumably because of selective survival of the less-mobile
seeds (Cody and Overton 1996). Remote islands are more likely to be colonized by seeds
carried by birds than by wind or sea drift, as in the case of the Pacific Islands (Carlquist
1965). In contrast to the random action of wind and sea, bird movement is from island to
island, often on migration routes, and so targeting the islands effectively with seeds
deposited in feces and preened from feathers. Birds are also important in dispersing
seeds to other types of islands including forest fragments (Johnson and Adkisson 1985)
and isolated trees in the middle of pastures (Holl 1999, Zahawi and Augspurger 1999,
Slocum and Horvitz 2000).
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