of another, not because they compete for the same resources, but because they are consumed
by the same herbivore (Huntly 1991). For example, Rand (2003) found that the presence of
Salicornia when insect herbivores are excluded has no effect on Atriplex (both Chenopo-
diaceae). Meanwhile, when herbivores appeared, the presence of Salicornia resulted in a
pronounced decrease in plant survivorship and fruit production of Atriplex. Thus, shared
herbivory resulted in a strong apparent competitive effect of Salicornia on Atriplex.
Competition between plants can affect their relationship with their herbivores. Competi-
tion may limit resource availability for plants and, in turn, this may influence the resistance to
herbivores of plants (van Dam and Baldwin 1998, Agrawal 2000b). In addition, competition
and herbivory produce additive effects for plant growth (e.g., Fowler and Rausher 1985,
Mutikainen and Walls 1995, Reader and Bonser 1998, Erneberg 1999, but see Fowler 2002,
Agrawal 2004, Haag et al. 2004), decreasing the herbivore tolerance when plants compete for
limited resources. Moreover, intraspecific competitive interactions with herbivory can affect
components of fitness and mating system (Steets et al. 2006).
Associations among Plants Sharing Herbivores
The probability that a plant will be attacked by a herbivore depends not only on the
characteristics of the individual plant, but also on the quality and abundance of the neigh-
bors. A plant species may have a positive net effect on another species by deterring the
amount of herbivory that would otherwise be inflicted on the other species (Figure 16.1c,
right). For example, palatable plants in a matrix of unpalatable vegetation may remain
undetected by the herbivore and thereby escape consumption. Moreover, neighboring plants
may affect the local resource abundance to polyphagous herbivores in ways that reduce the
attack rate or the time herbivores remain on their host plant. These processes are called
associational resistance, associational defense, associational refuge, or plant-defense guilds
(Tahvanainen and Root 1972, Pfister and Hay 1988, Holmes and Jepson-Innes 1989, Hja
et al. 1993, Hamba
ck et al. 2000). For example, Russell and Louda (2005) found a marked
decline in head weevil (Rhinocyllus conicus, Curculionidae) attack of wavyleaf thistle (Cirsium
undulatum, Asteraceae) flower heads in the presence of successful flowering by an alternate,
newly adopted native host plant, the platte thistle (Cirsium canescens, Asteraceae).
Conversely, when the herbivore selects within the patch, the result of the association of a
palatable plant with unpalatable ones can shift to greater consumption or damage of the
edible species, which was preferred by the herbivore. Moreover, an unpalatable plant sur-
rounded by palatable plants can be damaged by the herbivore attracted by its neighbors.
These processes are called associational susceptibility, associational damage, or shared doom
(Atsatt and O’Dowd 1976, McNaughton 1978, Karban 1997). For instance, White and Whitham
(2000) found strong indications for associational susceptibility of cottonwoods (Populus
angustifolia–Populus fremontii, Salicaceae) to cankerworms (Alsophila pometaria, Geometridae)
when growing under the most preferred species (Acer negundo, Aceraceae), since it was
colonized by two- to threefold more cankerworms, and suffered two- to threefold greater
defoliation than cottonwoods growing in the open or under mature cottonwoods.
Facilitation can also result from physical protection provided by nurse plants. There is a
considerable number of studies that demonstrate a grazing protection component of woody
and perennial plants harboring other species growing under them (Milchunas and Noy-Meir
2002, and references therein), enhancing community diversity (Olff et al. 1999, Callaway et al.
2000, Rebollo et al. 2002). Shrubs can protect saplings against herbivores (Callaway 1995,
a and Obeso 2003) facilitating the regeneration of palatable tree species that would be
untenable without shrub presence (Rousset and Le
part 1999, Meiners and Martinkovic 2002,
Smit et al. 2006) The advantage of facilitation increases parallel to herbivore pressure
(Bertness and Callaway 1994, Baraza et al. 2006), to the point that in some situations the
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