In general, they are quantitative (or chronic) metabolites, which exert their effects according
to their concentration within the plant, and do not act instantaneously, but rather gradually
depress the growth or fecundity of the herbivore. In addition to reducing digestibility, silicate
particles also accelerate tooth wear by the abrasion of mouthparts, contributing to the
development of esophageal canker, and may cause fatal urolithiasis due to the formation of
calculi in the urinary tracts (McNaughton et al. 1985). Consequently, herbivores generally
reject plant parts containing high concentrations of this compound.
Thus, herbivores are limited not by the energy available but by the nutritional quality of plant
tissues (White 1993). This is because there are strong stoichiometric differences between the
composition of plant and animal tissues; that is, plant matter, compared with animal tissues, is
higher in carbon and lower in other essential elements, such as N, P, and S (Sterner and Hessen
1994). As a whole, animal herbivores contain nearly 10 times more nitrogen than do the plants
that they eat. Thus, the plant–animal interface is characterized by a marked disparity in the
biochemical makeup of consumer and resource. Furthermore, not all mineral nutrients present in
vegetable tissues are equally available to herbivores. For instance, such nitrogen sources as
proteins can be easily assimilated, whereas several nitrogenous compounds (alkaloids, cyano-
genic glycosides) may even be poisonous. In this case, the total nitrogen concentration may
not reflect the nutritional values of the plant tissue (Bentley and Johnson 1992).
Consequently, herbivores live in a ‘‘green desert’’ and are critically dependent (especially
for female reproduction, Moen et al. 1993) on relatively rare, high-quality plants, or plant
organs. Herbivores must, therefore, selectively ingest and assimilate essential limiting min-
erals. For example, McNaughton (1988) found that the heterogeneous distributions of
African ungulates correlated significantly between animal density and levels of minerals
such as magnesium, sodium, and phosphorous in vegetation. Similar cases have been found
for many different herbivores (insects: Mattson 1980; sea urchins: Renaud et al. 1990; small
mammals: Batzli 1983). Despite this dietary selectivity, the chemical composition of herbivore
diets is generally unbalanced. The result is that herbivores must consume large quantities of
carbon to obtain enough nitrogen and other essential nutrients. The resulting nutritional
imbalance can decrease growth efficiency for herbivores, and could filter down from the top
of the food chain, causing reduced production at all trophic levels. For example, assimilation
efficiency of herbivores is lower (20%–50%) than that of carnivores (nearly 80%, Begon et al.
1990). This nutritional limitation has forced some herbivore species to develop opportunistic
feeding strategies to obtain alternative and complementary food nutritionally richer than
vegetal tissues (see White 1993 for a thorough revision).
Other types of compounds that reduce the quality of vegetal food are secondary defense
compounds. These compounds, accumulated from enzyme catalysis in biosynthesis
(Harborne 1997), wield their influence by their sheer presence (qualitative secondary metabolites),
striking with immediacy and often inflicting death on the herbivore, many of them acting as
inhibitors of tissue digestibility or as poison for herbivores. Normally, these compounds
accumulate in tissues unprotected by quantitative substances—new leaves, immature fruits,
or flower buds. There is a great variety of secondary defense compounds that, together with
the structures of mechanical defense (spines, thorns, barbs, hairs), constitute the main traits
that reduce the preference or performance of herbivores, this translating as the resistance of
plants (Strauss and Agrawal 1999). The principal chemical compounds of this type are
alkaloids, glucosinolates, toxic amino acids, terpenoids, and cyanogenic compounds (e.g.,
Rosenthal and Berenbaum 1991, Harborne 1997).
The herbivores are exposed to temporal and spatial variations in the abundance and quality
of their food (Hunter and Price 1992, Danell and Bergstro
m 2002). Variations in abundance
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484 Functional Plant Ecology