to be uncompetitive. In many cases we found none of these, and sometimes the lines
did not even intersect in one point, as shown in Fig. 7.11 .
Figure 7.11 shows a calculated set of data which corresponds to some of our
experimental findings. For each inhibitor concentration, the reciprocal initial
velocities lie on a straight line, but these lines need not intersect when there is
more than one inhibitor binding site.
The program Enz5.m is useful for the calculation of a many different inhibition
patterns in enzyme kinetics. It calculates steady-state equilibria, and therefore
corresponds to the usual approach to enzyme kinetics [6]. It allows the calculation
of many limiting cases, just by the manipulation of the equilibrium dissociation
constants. For example, if one wants to calculate binding only to one site, the
equilibrium dissociation constants for the second site (KI3 and KI4) can be set
many orders of magnitude higher than the other equilibrium dissociation constants.
The simple case of competitive binding at one site is written in Enz5.m
with Octave code as: KM ¼ 10; KI1 ¼ 10; KI2 ¼ 10000 000;
KI3 ¼ 10000000; KI4 ¼ 10000000;
Figure 7.12 indeed shows the characteristic features of competitive binding.
When a subst rate competes with the inhibitor, the extrapolated value at infini te
substrate concentrations mus t be identical at all inhibitor concentrations. Infinitely
high substrate concentrations correspond to 1/S ¼ 0, and all lines corresponding to
all inhibitor concentrations have to intersect at v
, the maximal initial velocity.
The intersection with the x-axis equals 1/Km, so that the affinity is decreased (The
apparent Km is increased) with increasing inhibitor concentration.
The next classical example concerns noncompetitive binding. In this case, the
inhibitor may bind to the free enzyme E and to the occupied enzyme ES. When the
affinity for both is the same, then the binding of inhibitor cannot change the affinity
for the substrate.
Figure 7.13 shows noncompetitive inhibition. The lines intersect at 1/Km on
the x-axis. The intersection at the x-axis gives the Km value, so that the affinities for
the substrate are the same at all inhibitor concentrations. The substrate cannot
compete with the inhibitor, since the ternary complex ESI is stabilized with
increasing S at all inhibitor concentrations. Therefore, the lines do not intersect at
the same v
Incidentally, the theoretical lines in Enz5.m are calculated slightly different
from the theoretical lines in enz3.m. In both cases, the function linreg.m is
used, but whereas in enz3.m the lines are plotted separately from the plot with the
command line, they are now included as theoretical lines in the plot command.
This is done in 48–54 of the program Enz5.m:
114 7 Enzyme Kinetics