catalyzed by the enzyme, the product will initially be bound to the enzyme as EP.
Eventually it will dissociate to E and P:
Reaction scheme (7.1) describes the simplest plausible scheme for a single
substrate – single product transformation. Note that the third reaction is read from
left to right and that the equilibrium dissociation constant for E and P therefore must
be K
3 ¼ k
. Reaction scheme (7.1) is calculated in the subroutine function
These differential equations are readily solved with the Octave functi on lsode
in line 41 of enz1.m. For MATLAB, one has to select a solver capable of solving
stiff differential equations. These solvers have names ending with “s”. The solver
selected in line 41 of enz1M.m is ode23s. The MATLAB universal solver which
had been used for binding kinetics was ode45, which is too slow for steady-state
kinetics and its stiff differential equations with fast on and off reactions k
and k
Figure 7.1 shows a series of progress curves calculated from reaction scheme
(7.1) and different rate const ants for the initial step k
. The initial parts of the
progress curves give the initial velocities for product increase or substrate decrease.
With the exception of the two lowest rate constants, the initial velo cities are the
same within experimental error. Only initial velocities are taken as experimental
data for Michaelis–Menten kinetics, and Fig. 7.1 confirms that these values indeed
are safe to measure.
Figure 7.1 in its printed form is a black and white illustration, but when the
program enz1.m is run in the octave window (or enz1M.m in MATLAB), two
series of colored graphs are shown. Each value for k1 has the same color, be it for
product formation (+) or substrate decrease (o). This is achieved with the variable
fill, a useful programming feature, described in lines 49 and 50:
P and S are matrixes of N time points and N2 different k1 values. t is a vector of
N time points. When P is plotted vers us t without specifying a color, all N2
different curves will be displayed each with different colors. The plot command
has a repertoire of seven different colors for this. When the next set of data (t,S,in
this case) is called in the plot function, the numbering of the colors is continued, so
that after the first 8 colors, color 9, 10, 11..., identical to 2, 3, 4...are displayed. If
one wants to have the same set of colors displayed for the second set of data, one has
98 7 Enzyme Kinetics