212 Chapter 2 The Heat Equation
In these equations, y(x, t) is the water table elevation above sea level,
h(x, t) is water table elevation above bedrock, K is hydraulic conductiv-
ity (in meters per day, m/da), S is the aquifer specific yield, I is a function
representing input by percolation from the aquifer, and φ(x, t) is a ran-
dom function that accounts for uncertainty in input.
The partial differential equation is nonlinear because h and y represent
the same thing relative to two different references. We assume that the
bedrock elevation has constant slope a,soy =h +ax. Then the equation
can be written in terms of h alone as
(Kh) = I +φ.
Next,thisequationislinearized.AssumethatK is constant and that h
canbebrokendownash =
h +h
h is a constant mean value of h,
is a fluctuation much smaller than
h. (In this case,
h is about 150 m
and h
is less than 1 m.) Then the product Kh is approximately equal to
h = T (transmissivity) and, as a coefficient in the second term, can be
(we drop the prime
for convenience):
=I +φ, 0 < x < L, 0 < t.
a. Tre at in g I as a constant, find a steady-state solution v(x) for the sta-
tistical mean value of h, which is obtained by replacing φ(x, t) with 0.
The boundary and initial conditions are
h(0, t) = h
, h(L, t) = h
, 0 < t,
h(x, 0) = h
(x), 0 < x < L.
b. State the problem (partial differential equation, boundary conditions,
and initial condition) to be satisfied by the mean transient, w(x, t) =
h(x, t) − v(x ). (Again, the statistical mean corresponds to φ ≡ 0.)
c. Solve the problem in b.
d. Values for the parameters are: a = 0.0292 m/m, K = 17.28 m/da, T =
/da, S = 0.15, L = 116.25 m. Find the eigenvalues.
34. A flat enzyme electrode can be visualized by imagining it seen from the
side. The electrode itself lies to the left of x =0 (its thickness is unimpor-
tant); a gel-containing enzyme lies in a layer between x = 0andx = L;
and the test solution lies to the right of x = L. When the substance to be
detected is introduced into the solution, it diffuses into the gel and re-
acts with the enzyme, yielding a product. The electrode responds to the
product with a measurable electric potential.