that all fabric fibres were coated by the catalyst giving rise to such a dense CNT
network. Mechanical test usually performed to measure the adhesion of thin
films on a substrate are not reliable in this case due to the peculiar nature of the
substrate and the coating itself. Pseudo-mechanical tests, based on the idea of
exposing the three-component material (carbon fibre plus metallic cluster plus
carbon nanotubes) to stressing environments were performed.
Samples were
treated by immersion, magnetic stirring, centrifugation and ultrasonic bath in
four different liquids (deionised water, ethanol, n-butanol, and acetone). After
the treatment, the Ni clusters remained anchored to the fibres. As illustrated in
Fig. 1, right, for the ultrasonic bath test in acetone, CNT were still present with
high density on the fibre surface.
Figure 1. Left and center: high density CNT grown on carbon fibres fabrics. Right: carbon fibres
after ultrasonic bath in acetone for 5 minutes.
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