The practitioner who wants a comprehensive view will use a range of
search engines. For example there are specialist search engines that can
identify photographs and images (even when they have been altered)
such as h�p:// There is a comprehensive list at h�p://www.
On August 18, 2008 Chrix Finne, the official Google Blogger, announced
Google Power Readers in Politics. It purported to show what the leading
political journalists and both US presidential campaigns using Google’s RSS
were seeing every day in their RSS feed. The post said:
You can read what they read, and see what’s on their minds as they share and
discuss news. Each participant has created a reading list with a feed you can
subscribe to in Reader (or any other feed reader), and is also publishing shared
items. Here’s the list of participants:
Obama and McCain campaigns, Mike Allen, POLITICO, Chuck DeFeo, Townhall,
John Dickerson, Slate, Mark Halperin, TIME, Arianna Huffington, The
Huffington Post, Ruth Marcus, Washington Post, Jon Meacham, Newsweek,
Patrick Ruffini, The Next Right.
The inference is that RSS, used as a channel for communication, can be
made available about anyone to the whole world (in due course), which is
a pretty powerful and different form of communication.
Identifying the channels used by people can also be done by searching in
channels by means of their search facilities or by using in-site searches.
Most search engines provide a site search capability.
In Google for example, adding ‘’ and then a keyword will
reveal mentions restricted to the site, in this case the CIPR site. Thus a
Google search: ‘ PR Week’ will reveal 95 mentions of ‘PR
Week’ in the site. The search ‘ PR Week’ shows the 549
times PR Week is mentioned in MySpace. This means we know that PR
Week is mentioned in the social network site MySpace, and it follows that
this is a channel for communication about PR Week.
The range of channels is significant and could include a web page, Wikipedia
entry, online video, blog or Twi�er among others. Perhaps the channel is a
computer game, as in Second Life, or e-mail. Maybe it is instant messaging
that offers the potent link. Of course, for the most successful campaigns it
will all of these and more.