as in "to talk somebody into (out of) something" - "уговорить
(отговорить) кого-то делать что-то", "to laugh somebody out of
a habit" - "отучить кого-то от привычки, посмеявшись над
ней", e.g. "Managed herself to death, damn her." (J.Collier) -
"Своим умением все организовывать довела себя до смерти,
черт побери." The first verb in such constructions usually denotes
the way, the manner in which some effect or action was caused.
Another type of constructions causing misunderstanding,
comes close to comparative constructions: "as ... as ever", "as ... as
any (or anything)", "as much as doing something", etc. These
constructions do not contain any real comparison. The phrases
"as ... as ever (any, anything)" denote the superlative degree of
some quality or high intensity of some feeling or state: "it's as
simple as anything" - "это же совсем просто". "He will be as
peeved as anything" - "Он будет страшно раздражен", etc. The
phrases "not (or never) as much as doing something", "no more
than", "much less" are used as emphatic means of expressing the
idea that somebody cannot or does not want to do something, or
never happened to do it.
Close to those pseudo-comparative constructions come
phrases with the word "too", "cannot + be + too + Adj." or "cannot
+ Verb + too + Adv.". They are synonymous to the phrases "to be
very + Adj." and "to do (smth) very + Adv": "One cannot be too
careful" - "Нужно быть очень осторожным".
Generally speaking, translation of specifically English
grammatical constructions consists of two stages: first it is
necessary to understand their meaning and then find a
corresponding way of expressing it in Russian. For the purpose of
translation, grammar does not exist separately. It is not the
grammatical form but the grammatical meaning that is of primary
concern for a translator or an interpreter. A mistake in grammar
(whether it is a misunderstood construction of SL or a wrong
variant in TL) always tells on the sense and logic of the text. As
soon as the sense and logic of a sentence stop to be transparent it is
necessary to stop and look for a mistake in the translation.