They usually single out four structural types of absolute
1) nominative participial constructions - "... I got
them to be quiet, when - enter Admiral Ass, in full regalia,
epaulettes quivering with indignation." (Bel Kaufman);
2) nominative constructions without a participle - "And, chin on
hand., he stared through his monocle into an empty cup"
(J.Galsworthy); 3) participial constructions without the subject -
"Being liable himself to similar unlooked-for checks from Mrs.
Chick., their little contests usually possessed a character of
uncertainty that was very animating" (Ch.Dickens); 4) absolute
constructions with the preposition "with" - "With renewed
handshaking and messages to be delivered to Miss Lawson., we at
last made our exit." (A.Christie). Knowing these structural types, it
is easier to identify such a construction and differentiate it from
expanded secondary parts of the sentence.
There are four possibilities in translating absolute
constructions, though they do not directly correspond to the four
types of constructions themselves.
1. If the type of semantic connection between the absolute
construction and the main body of the sentence is more or less
definite, a subordinate clause may be used in translation: "... those
things having been invariably found on Mr. Twain's person ... they
felt compelled to give him a friendly admonition." (Mark Twain) -
"... и так как вещи эти впоследствии неизменно
обнаруживались у мистера Твена, ... они сочли своим долгом
сделать ему дружеское внушение."
2. However, it is not always possible to choose the proper
type of the subordinate clause: "Bessie and Abbot having retreated,
Mrs Reed ... thrust me back and locked me in, without further
parley" (Ch.Bronte). Really, did she do it after Bessie and Abbot
retreated or because they retreated? Evidently, both after and
because she got rid of those women who were less cruel than she
was. In Russian such an indiscriminate way of expressing time and
cause in one subordinate clause is impossible, so other ways should
В.Н.Комиссаров, Я.И.Рецкер, В.Н.Тархов. Пособие по переводу с
английского языка на русский, т. II, М., 1965