Mounded Surfaces
In recent years, research interest has turned to understanding the dynamics
of more complicated growth mechanisms that are characteristically nonlocal
in nature. These investigations have been motivated by experimental results
under certain types of deposition techniques including sputter deposition and
chemical vapor deposition, most notably the measurement of growth expo-
nents α, β, and z that are not consistent with the predictions of local growth
models [8, 22, 35, 103, 143, 160, 185]. This is most evidently seen through
an analysis of various values of the growth exponent β that have been re-
ported in the literature for these deposition techniques, as shown in Fig. 4.1.
In this figure, the spread of the majority of experimentally reported results
is represented with a rectangle for each deposition technique, including ther-
mal evaporation, sputter deposition, chemical vapor deposition, and oblique
angle deposition. Most local models predict a relatively small value for β,as
represented by the small spread of β for local models, which is evident from
Table 3.1. Clearly, local models are not able to explain many of the exper-
imental measurements of β. To explain these results, the theory of surface
growth must be amended to include effects that can lead to such a wide range
of experimental measurements, which invites the introduction of mounded
When dealing with self-affine surfaces, there is only one lateral length scale,
the lateral correlation length, beyond which surface heights are uncorrelated
on the average. However, because self-affine surfaces have a unique scaling
behavior, the magnitude of the lateral correlation length can be scaled to any
arbitrary value, which implies that the lateral correlation length is not a true
characteristic length scale of the surface, but rather a relative length scale.
For example, in a self-affine surface morphology, there is no way to tell how
“zoomed into” the surface you are looking, which is why scaling arguments
hold for self-affine surfaces because zooming in with the right proportions
yields a surface that is statistically identical to the original surface. This im-
plies that there is no characteristic length scale on a self-affine surface be-
cause if there were, it would change upon zooming in, and the surface would