range of angles. Other solutions have much lower figures of merit, higher
volume and too many unindexed peaks along with a large number of
calculated Bragg reflections that are unobserved.
Some of the unreliable solutions can be eliminated by decreasing the
tolerances in
28 for zone searches. However, there is a danger of choosing a
tolerance that is too low, and by using it, the true solution can be missed. To
avoid this, the tolerance should be reduced gradually and only when
excessive amounts of different and unreliable solutions emerge.
example, the tolerance that was set by default between 3 and 4 appears to be
a good choice.
5.24 also contains the results of triclinic indexing using the
DICVOL and TREOR algorithms. With all crystal systems tested, DICVOL
results in a single solution, shown in the third row. All reflections were
indexed and the figures of merit are quite high:
30.8 and
lO4.5(O.O08 1, 40). Employing TREOR with all parameters set to their
default value (except instruction TRIC
1) three solutions where found.
Two of them with unit cell volume of -800
have very low figures of
merit and leave many peaks unindexed. The third one has the same cell
volume (-424
as the earlier solutions, and is listed in row 4. This
solution has 6 out of 34 Bragg reflections unindexed, which is due to the low
accuracy of the determined unit cell. To check other possible solutions, the
keyword MERIT
50 was inserted in the input data file. This modification
results in more than 20 different solutions with a unit cell volume of
The best solution has all 34 reflections indexed, high figures of
merit, and it is listed in row
As is obvious from columns 2 and 3 in
5.24, different indexing
algorithms result in different choices of the unit cell for the same lattice and,
therefore, unit cell reduction is especially important to compare the results in
triclinic symmetry. The unit cell dimensions, reduced using the
program, are listed in
5.24 in columns 6-8. Obviously, all of them are
represented by the same unit cell, except the incorrect solution shown in row
2. The triclinic unit cell was confirmed by a single crystal diffraction
experiment, as shown in row 6.
Precise lattice parameters and linear least squares
After the powder diffraction pattern has been successfully indexed, the
next step is to establish the unit cell dimensions with the highest possible
precision. By combining Eqs. 5.2 and 5.3 one can see that the errors in the
lattice parameters only depend on the errors in the measured Bragg angles
assuming that Miller indices and
are known exactly: