One of the most distinct properties of the crystalline state is, therefore,
the presence of long-range order, or in other words, a regular and in the
simplest case periodic repetition of atoms or molecules in space.
periodic crystals are infinite, but in practice, their periodicity extends over a
distance from
-lo3 to -lo2' atomic or molecular dimensions, which occurs
because any crystal necessarily has a number of defects and may contain
impurities without losing its crystallinity. Furthermore, a crystal is always
finite regardless of its size.
Since our surroundings are three-dimensional, we tend to assume that
crystals are formed by periodic arrangements of atoms or molecules in three
dimensions. However, many crystals are periodic only in two, or even in one
dimension, and some do not have periodic structure at all,
e.g. solids with
incomrnensurately modulated structures, certain polymers, and quasicrystals.
Materials may assume states that are intermediate between those of a
crystalline solid and a liquid, and they are called liquid crystals. Hence, in
real crystals, periodicity
and/or order extends over a shorter or longer range,
which is a function of the nature of the material and conditions under which
it was crystallized. Structures of real crystals, e.g. imperfections, distortions,
defects and impurities, are subjects of separate disciplines, and symmetry
concepts considered below assume an ideal crystal' with perfect periodicity.'
Crystal lattice and crystal structure
Periodic structure of an ideal crystal is best described by a lattice.
lattice, all elementary parallelepipeds, i.e. unit cells, are equal in their shape
and content. If the distribution of atoms in one unit cell is known, the whole
crystal can be constructed by simply propagating (translating or shifting) this
unit cell along one, two or three directions independently.
example of a
simple two-dimensional lattice is shown in
I. I.
Each unit cell, one of
which is shaded, is the parallelogram delineated by solid lines, and every
unit cell contains one hypothetical molecule that consists of three atoms: one
large, one medium, and one small. The structure of this molecule, including
bond lengths and bond angle, remains identical throughout the whole lattice.
Diffraction by an ideal mosaic crystal is best described by a kinematical theory of
diffraction, whereas diffraction by an ideal crystal is dynamical and can be described by a
much more complex theory of dynamical diffraction. The latter is used in electron
diffraction, where kinematical theory does not apply. X-ray diffraction by an ideal mosaic
crystal is kinematical, and therefore, this relatively simple theory is used in this book. The
word "mosaic" describes a crystal that consists of many small, ideally ordered blocks,
which are slightly misaligned with respect to one another. "Ideal mosaic" means that all
blocks have the same size and degree of misalignment with respect to other mosaic blocks.
Most of this chapter is dedicated to conventional crystallographic symmetry, where three-
dimensional periodicity is implicitly assumed.