Список литературы 511
[241] Gh. P˘aun. The splicing as an operation on formal languages.
[INBS], 176–180.
[242] Gh. P˘aun. Splicing. A challenge to formal language theorists. Bull.
EATCS, 57 (1995), 183–194, см. также [CTCS], 830–844.
[243] Gh. P˘aun. Regular extended H systems are computationally
universal. J. Automata, Languages, Combinatorics, 1 (1996), 27–
[244] Gh. P˘aun. On the power of splicing grammar systems. Ann. Univ.
Buc., Matem.-Inform. Series, 45 (1996), 93–106.
[245] Gh. P˘aun. Five (plus two) universal DNA computing models based
on the splicing operation. [DNA2], 67–86.
[246] Gh. P˘aun. Computing by splicing: How simple rules? Bull. EATCS ,
60 (1996), 145–150.
[247] Gh. P˘aun. Splicing systems with targets are computationally
complete. Inform. Processing Letters, 59 (1996), 129–133.
[248] Gh. P˘aun. DNA computing; Distributed splicing systems.
Structures in Logic and Computer Science. A Selection of Essays in
Honor of A. Ehrenfeucht (J. Mycielski, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa,
eds.), Lect. Notes Computer Sci. 1261, Springer, Berlin, 1997, 351–
[249] Gh. P˘aun. Marcus Contextual Grammars. Boston: Kluwer, 1997.
[250] Gh. P˘aun. Controlled H systems and Chomsky h ierarchy.
Fundamenta Informaticae, 30 (1997), 45–57.
[251] Gh. P˘aun. Two-level distributed H systems. Proc. 3rd Conf.
Developments in Language Theory, Thessaloniki, 1997 (S.
Bozapalidis, ed.), Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, 1997, 309–327.
[252] Gh. P˘aun. DNA computing based on splicing: universality results.
Proc. 2nd Intern. Colloq. Universal Machines and Computations,
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[253] Gh. P˘aun. Distributed architectures in DNA computing based on
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[254] Gh. P˘aun. (DNA) Computing by carving. Soft Computing, 3
(1999), 30–36.
[255] Gh. P˘aun, Membrane Computing. An Introduction. Berlin:
Springer, 2002.
[256] Gh. P˘aun, G. Rozenberg. Sticker systems. Theoretical Computer
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[257] Gh. P˘aun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa. Res tricted use of the splicing
operation. Intern. J. Computer Math., 60 (1996), 17–32.
[258] Gh. P˘aun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa. Computing by splicing.
Theoretical Computer Sci., 168, 2 (1996), 321–336.